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Maximilian Strauss straussmaximilian

  • University of Copenhagen | Max Planck Institute
  • Munich
View GitHub Profile
import numpy as np
def random_array(size, dim=3):
Generate a random array of size size and dimension dim
return np.random.rand(int(size), dim)
def python_loop(random_list):
Takes a list of tuples and isolates all points that are within [0.2,0.4]
for the first dimension and between [0.4,0.6] for the second dimension.
filtered_list = []
for i in range(len(random_list)):
if ((random_list[i][0] >= 0.2)
and (random_list[i][1] >= 0.4)
and (random_list[i][0] <= 0.4)
# List comprehension
def list_comprehension(tuple_list):
Takes a list of tuples and isolates all points that are within [0.2,0.4]
for the first dimension and between [0.4,0.6] for the second dimension
using a list comprehension.
filtered_list = [_ for _ in tuple_list if (_[0] >= 0.2) and (_[1] >= 0.4) and (_[0] <= 0.4) and (_[1] <= 0.6)]
return filtered_list
def boolean_index(array):
Takes a numpy array and isolates all points that are within [0.2,0.4] for
the first dimension and between [0.4,0.6] for
the second dimension by creating a boolean index.
index = (array[:, 0] >= 0.2) & (array[:, 1] >= 0.4) & (array[:, 0] <= 0.4) & (array[:, 1] <= 0.6)
return array[index]
from numba.typed import List
from numba import njit
def boolean_index_numba(array):
Takes a numpy array and isolates all points that are within [0.2,0.4] for
the first dimension and between [0.4,0.6] for the second dimension
by creating a boolean index.
This function will be compiled with numba.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': array[:, 0], 'y': array[:, 1], 'z': array[:, 2]})
# Pandas query
print('Pandas Query:\t\t', end='')
%timeit df.query('x >= 0.2 and x <= 0.4 and y >= 0.4 and y <= 0.6')
# Pandas eval
import perfplot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.title('Quantitative Comparison of Filtering Speeds')
kernels=[loop, boolean_index, loop_numba, boolean_index_numba],
n_range=[2**k for k in range(2, 22)],
def boolean_index_numba_multiple(array, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax):
Takes a numpy array and isolates all points that are within [xmin, xmax]
for the first dimension, between [ymin, ymax] for the second dimension
and [zmin, zmax] for the third dimension by creating a boolean index.
This function will be compiled with numba.
index = ((array[:, 0] > xmin) & (array[:, 1] > ymin) & (array[:, 2] > zmin)
& (array[:, 0] < xmax) & (array[:, 1] < ymax) & (array[:, 2] < zmax))
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
def kdtree(data, delta=0.1):
Constructs a 2D k-d-tree from the input array and queries the points within a square around a given point.
array, query_points = data
tree = cKDTree(array)
count = 0
for point in query_points:
def fixed_query(size):
Returns a random array of given size and
a fixed number of random query points.
array = random_array(size)
query_points = random_array(1e4)
return (array, query_points)