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# Tsung Configuration #
# Perl Templating-Toolkit and the Gnu plotting utility to create HTML and graphical reports with the result data set.
$ apt-get install gnuplot-nox libtemplate-perl libhtml-template-perl libhtml-template-expr-perl
# You have your csv data and it looks like so... It's in a file named "my_data.csv" and we want to import it into a table named "my_things".
"1", "Something", "0.50", "2013-05-05 10:00:00"
"2", "Another thing", "1.50", "2013-06-05 10:30:00"
# Now you want to import it, go to the command line and type:
$ PGPASSWORD=PWHERE psql -h HOSTHERE -U USERHERE DBNAMEHERE -c "\copy my_things FROM 'my_data.csv' WITH CSV;"
# Voila! It's impoted. Now if you want to wipe it out and import a fresh one, you would do this:
server {
listen 8080 default_server deferred;
charset utf-8;
access_log /var/log/nginx/graphite.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/graphite.error.log;
root /opt/graphite/webapp;
location /static/admin/ {
# Install Ruby Centos 6 #
#get root access
su -
cd /tmp
# Install VirtualEnv and VirtualEnvWrapper Centos 6 #
pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
# Replace suitable environment directory with $HOME/Envs
server {
listen 8080 default_server deferred;
charset utf-8;
access_log /var/log/nginx/graphite.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/graphite.error.log;
root /opt/graphite/webapp;
location /static/admin/ {
stupidbodo / graphite
Created September 8, 2013 06:10 — forked from drawks/graphite
#This is the "site config" for nginx
upstream django {
# Distribute requests to servers based on client IP. This keeps load
# balancing fair but consistent per-client. In this instance we're
# only using one uWGSI worker anyway.
server unix:/tmp/uwsgi.sock;
server {

This gist contains everything you need to install StatsD and Graphite on CentOS 6.3. Unless I forgot something. If I did, shoot a reminder email to noah at one more bug dot com. tl;dr: womm, ymmv, yolo.

I (mostly) followed the steps shown in the EZUnix wiki

And I also referred back to this gist by Michael Grace

stupidbodo / Generate SSH Keys and connect Windows to Linux
Last active December 22, 2015 18:19
Generate ssh keys and connect from windows to linux
# Generate SSH Keys and connect Windows to Linux #
# go to ssh directory
cd ~/.ssh
# Generate ssh key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "<<enter some random stuffs as label>>"

Running redis using upstart on Ubuntu

I've been trying to understand how to setup systems from the ground up on Ubuntu. I just installed redis onto the box and here's how I did it and some things to look out for.

To install: