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I may be slow to respond.

A Watkins stupidpupil

I may be slow to respond.
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stupidpupil / products.json
Created February 8, 2023 18:04
Example products.json for Blood Test Finder
"biomarkers": [
stupidpupil /
Last active June 30, 2022 23:16
NHS OSM thoughts

What is the problem?

It is quite difficult to reliably identify:

  • NHS GP surgeries
  • Accident & Emergency Departments
  • Minor Injury Units

in UK OpenStreetMap data.

It would be useful to be able to identify these things for a) more clearly exposing the purpose of a site for general mapping or search purposes and b) producing travel time/accessibility analyses.

stupidpupil / r5r_and_h3.R
Last active June 11, 2022 14:40
R5R + H3 TTM
my_h3s <- tibble(id = unlist(h3jsr::polyfill(WalesIshOTPGraph:::bounds(), 8))) %>%
rowwise() %>% mutate(
pnt = h3jsr::h3_to_point(id),
plygn = h3jsr::h3_to_polygon(id)
sf::st_geometry(my_h3s) <- my_h3s$pnt
stupidpupil / terrain_50_vrt.R
Last active May 9, 2022 18:37
Generate a GDAL VRT for OS Terrain 50
vrt_sources_from_paths <- function(source_paths){
sources_tibble <- tibble()
stupidpupil / walesish_r5r.R
Last active April 22, 2024 08:41
Get r5r running for Wales-ish
# Make sure that Java 21 is installed and available
# On a Mac, try `export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 21)` before running R
options(java.parameters = "-Xmx4G")
stupidpupil /
Last active September 12, 2021 12:35
Example PIA

Data has been collected from publicly available webpages that form part of the $WEBSITE. These pages contain timestamped posts made by $WEBSITE users, associated with their usernames.

Personal data

I recognise that individuals' posts constitute personal data. The individual that a post relates to is often likely to be identifiable in combination with registration data held by $WEBSITE, for example.

I note that I generally do not have the means to identify individuals from the information being processed. However, it is possible that some individuals will have chosen to post information that is readily identifiable.

Purpose of processing

The purposes of processing is to better understand the use of the $WEBSITE, the nature of its content over time, and how content is produced and engaged with by $WEBSITE users.

stupidpupil /
Last active July 27, 2021 15:49
Transit times proposal

My plan is to generate a set of LSOA-to-LSOA matrices covering:

a. A drive-time matrix (this won't take account of variation incongestion or anything like that, so nominal departure/arrival time are largely irrelevant).

b. Travel-time matrices based on a small (3-5?) set of depart-after times.

c. Travel-plus-waiting-time matrices based on a small set (again 3-5?) of arrive-by times.

Example LSOAs

For the sake of easier explanation, I'm going to use the following LSOAs as examples:

stupidpupil /
Last active February 6, 2024 15:28
Yet Another Minecraft systemd service file, and accessories. (Gracefully handles shutdown properly, whilst still eventually SIGKILL-ing if that doesn't work.)
server_properties_path=$(dirname "$0")"/../server/"
rcon_port=$(awk -F "=" '/rcon.port/ {print $2}' "$server_properties_path")
rcon_password=$(awk -F "=" '/rcon.password/ {print $2}' "$server_properties_path")
"$(dirname "$0")/mcrcon" -H -P "$rcon_port" -p "$rcon_password" "$1"
stupidpupil / chickenpox.json
Last active July 10, 2019 22:40
From, 10th July 2019
"description": "Find out all you need know about chickenpox, including what the symptoms are, how to treat it and when to get medical advice.",
"author": {
"logo": "",
"email": "",
"url": "",
"name": "NHS website",
"@type": "Organization"
"lastReviewed": ["2017-05-26T00:00:00+00:00", "2020-05-26T00:00:00+00:00"],

I note that I've done most of my actual file and audio processing under either macOS or Linux, where I'm much more familiar with the scripting tools. I might not be able to help you as much I'd like.

General advice for trying to make a voice pack

I'd suggest taking a look at my voicepack template or at least Kregano's tutorial that it's based off.

Why? Well, Kregano's tutorial covers using a script (by robojumper) that fixes several problems with the built-in approach to voice 'banks', and my template then tries to help you avoid having to decide what to name bits of code and stuff.

If you do try my template, I suggest calling your project and your mod something like 'SlickSlothGrenadierVoice' or something (without spaces, and the same name for the project and mod) otherwise it ends up even more confusing in places...

Getting CoH2 sound files into XCOM 2