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NeDi 1.9C is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack.
The application allows an attacker to execute arbitrary JavaScript code via the "Reports-Devices.php" page on "st[]" parameter.
Steps To Reproduce:-
1. Login to the Application.
2. Go to "https://ip/Reports-Devices.php" page.
3. Add st[] parameter at the end of the URL.
Example:- https://ip/Reports-Devices.php?in[]=device&op[]=~&st[]="><img src=x onerror=alert(document.domain)>&lir=10 | to find all asset available for on shodan
http.title:"title" | to find server/host with similer title
http.html:"/file" | to find server/host with similar path
html:"context" | to find server/host with similar string
server: "apache 2.2.3" | to find server/host with same server
port:80 | to find server/host with same port
os:"windows" | to find server/host with same os
asn:AS3214 | to find host/server with matched asn
http.status:200 | to find server/host with 200 http response code
http.favicon.hash:"hash" | to find server/host with same favico hash