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John Sullivan sullivan-

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import org.scalatest.mock.EasyMockSugar
trait RepositoryComponentMock
extends RepositoryComponent
with EasyMockSugar {
val projectRepository = mock[ProjectRepository]
val userRepository = mock[UserRepository]
trait ServiceComponentMock
trait ChartViewFactoryComponent {
val chartViewFactory: ChartViewFactory
trait ChartViewFactory {
def create(chart: Chart): ChartView
trait ChartViewFactoryComponentImpl extends ChartViewFactoryComponent {
self: HistogramViewFactoryComponent with ScatterPlotViewFactoryComponent =>
override val chartViewFactory: ChartViewFactory = new ChartViewFactoryImpl
trait ChartViewComponent
extends ChartViewFactoryComponent
trait ChartViewComponentImpl
extends ChartViewComponent
with ChartViewFactoryComponentImpl
with HistogramViewFactoryComponentImpl
with ScatterPlotViewFactoryComponentImpl
trait ViewComponent
@Component @Scope("prototype")
public class StatefulService {
// ...
public class ReferencingService {
// every referencing component will get its own instance of the service
trait StatefulServiceComponent {
def statefulService: StatefulService
trait StatefulService {
// ...
trait StatefulServiceComponentImpl extends StatefulServiceComponent {
override def statefulService: StatefulService = new StatefulServiceImpl
private class StatefulServiceImpl extends StatefulService {
trait ReferencingServiceComponent {
def referencingService: ReferencingService
trait ReferencingService {
// ...
trait ReferencingServiceComponentImpl extends ReferencingServiceComponent {
self: StatefulServiceComponent =>
abstract class MyApplication extends TopComponent {
def start = {
// ...
// ...
object MyApplication {
def main(args: Array[String]) =
(new MyApplication with TopComponentImpl).start
object MyApplication {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val app =
if (testMode)
(new MyApplication with TopComponentTestImpl)
(new MyApplication with TopComponentImpl)
trait TopComponent
extends RepositoryComponent
with ServiceComponent
object TopComponentImpl extends TopComponentImpl
trait TopComponentImpl
extends TopComponent
with RepositoryComponentImpl
with ServiceComponentImpl