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Last active August 12, 2016 18:29
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object BFFs extends App {
def maxCircleSize(bffs: IndexedSeq[Int]): Int = {
val (clusters, membership) = clusterize(bffs)
println((clusters, membership))
val maxLoopSize =
val coupleCircleSize = clusters.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1.size == 2).map{
case (cluster, index) => coupleClusterSize(bffs, cluster, membership.zipWithIndex.filter(_ == index).map(_._2).toSet)
maxLoopSize max coupleCircleSize
def clusterize(bffs0: IndexedSeq[Int]): (IndexedSeq[Set[Int]], IndexedSeq[Int]) = {
// bffs0 = IndexedSeq(2,3,4,1)
val bffs = -1)
println(s"bffs ==> $bffs")
// bffs = IndexedSeq(1,2,3,0)
def findCluster(notClustered: Set[Int], clustered: Map[Int, Int], clusters: IndexedSeq[Set[Int]]): (IndexedSeq[Set[Int]], IndexedSeq[Int]) = {
//println(s"===> ${(notClustered, clustered, clusters)}")
if (notClustered.isEmpty) (clusters,
else {
def search(current: Int, visited: Map[Int, Int], count: Int): (Seq[Int], Either[Int, Int]) = {
//println((current, visited, count))
val next = bffs(current)
if (clustered contains next) (visited.toSeq.sortBy(_._2).map(_._1) :+ current, Left(clustered(next)))
else if (visited contains next) (visited.toSeq.sortBy(_._2).map(_._1) :+ current, Right(count - visited(next) + 1))
else search(next, visited + ((current -> count)), count + 1)
search(notClustered.head, Map.empty[Int, Int], 0) match {
case (members, Left(clusterIndex)) =>
findCluster(notClustered -- members, clustered ++ ( -> clusterIndex)), clusters)
case (members, Right(loopSize)) =>
findCluster(notClustered -- members, clustered ++ ( -> clusters.size)), clusters :+ members.takeRight(loopSize).toSet)
findCluster(bffs.toSet, Map.empty[Int, Int], IndexedSeq.empty[Set[Int]])
def coupleClusterSize(bffs0: IndexedSeq[Int], couple: Set[Int], members: Set[Int]): Int = {
val bffs = -1)
val g = (Map.empty[Int, Set[Int]] /: bffs.zipWithIndex) { case (graph, (bff, index)) =>
graph + ((bff -> (graph.getOrElse(bff, Set.empty[Int]) + index)))
def height(index: Int): Int = {
val childHeights = {
for {
children <- g.getOrElse(index, Set.empty[Int]) if !(couple contains children)
} yield height(children)
if (childHeights.isEmpty) 0 else childHeights.max + 1
2 + (couple map height).sum
def process(lineIn: Iterator[String])(lineOut: String => Unit) =
for (i <- 1 to {
lineOut(s"Case #$i: ${maxCircleSize(" ").map(_.toInt))}")
val filename = "C-small-practice"
val writer = new + ".out")
try {
process(io.Source.fromFile(filename + ".in").getLines) { s =>
writer.println(s); writer.flush()
} finally {
writer.flush(); writer.close()
import org.scalatest._
import BFFs._
class BFFsTest extends FunSuite with Matchers {
ignore("clusterize") {
assert(clusterize(IndexedSeq(2,3,4,1)) === (IndexedSeq(Set(0, 1, 2, 3)), IndexedSeq(0, 0, 0, 0)))
ignore("coupleClusterSize") {
assert(coupleClusterSize(IndexedSeq(3,3,4,3), Set(2,3), Set(0, 1, 2, 3)) === 3)
ignore("sample #1") {
assert(maxCircleSize(IndexedSeq(2,3,4,1)) === 4)
ignore("sample #2") {
assert(maxCircleSize(IndexedSeq(3,3,4,1)) === 3)
ignore("sample #3") {
assert(maxCircleSize(IndexedSeq(3,3,4,3)) === 3)
ignore("sample #4") {
assert(maxCircleSize(IndexedSeq(7,8,10,10,9,2,9,6,3,3)) === 6)
ignore("case #5") {
assert(maxCircleSize(IndexedSeq(2, 3, 1, 10, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) === 3)
test("case #18") {
assert(maxCircleSize(IndexedSeq(3, 4, 1, 3, 6, 1)) === 6)
ignore("sample case") {
val input = """4
2 3 4 1
3 3 4 1
3 3 4 3
7 8 10 10 9 2 9 6 3 3""".lines
val expected = """Case #1: 4
Case #2: 3
Case #3: 3
Case #4: 6""".lines
lineComparison(input, expected)
ignore("full small case") {
val input = io.Source.fromFile("").getLines()
val expected = io.Source.fromFile("B-small-practice.out").getLines()
lineComparison(input, expected)
ignore("full large case") {
val input = io.Source.fromFile("").getLines()
val expected = io.Source.fromFile("B-large-practice.out").getLines()
lineComparison(input, expected)
def lineComparison(input: Iterator[String], expected: Iterator[String]): Unit = {
process(input) { s =>
for (line <- s.lines) assert(line.trim ===
assert(expected.hasNext === false, "Finished too fast.")
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