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Last active February 25, 2022 15:12
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package lascala.aoc2021.day11_20.day14
opaque type Polymer = Seq[Char]
opaque type PairInsertion = Map[(Char, Char), Char]
opaque type PairCount = Map[(Char, Char), BigInt]
object Polymer:
def apply(s: String): Polymer = s.toSeq
extension (p: Polymer)
def step(pi: PairInsertion): Polymer =
p.sliding(2).flatMap {
case Seq(a, b) =>
if pi contains (a, b) then Seq(a, pi((a, b))) else Seq(a)
}.toSeq :+ p.last
def toPairCount: PairCount =
p.sliding(2).map {
case Seq(a, b) => (a, b) -> BigInt(1)
def elementCount: Map[Char, Int] =
def mkString: String = p.mkString
extension (pc: PairCount)
def step(pi: PairInsertion): PairCount =
val pc1 = for
((a, b), count) <- pc.toSeq
((a1, b1), count1) <- {
if pi contains (a, b) then
Seq((a, pi((a, b))) -> count, (pi((a, b)), b) -> count)
Seq((a, b) -> count)
((a1, b1) -> count1)
pc1.groupMapReduce(_._1)(_._2)(_ + _)
def elementCount(last: Char): Map[Char, BigInt] =
val firstCounts ={ case ((a, b), count) => (a, count) } :+ (last -> BigInt(1))
firstCounts.groupMapReduce(_._1)(_._2)(_ + _)
def parse(s: String): (Polymer, PairInsertion) =
val Array(template, rules) = s.split("\n\n")
val pairInsertion: PairInsertion = rules.split("\n").map{ line =>
val Array(k, v) = line.split(" -> ")
(k.head, k.last) -> v.head
(Polymer(template), pairInsertion)
def solve1(s: String): BigInt =
val (polymer, pairInsertion) = parse(s)
val last: Char = polymer.mkString.last
val p1: PairCount = (0 until 10).foldLeft(polymer.toPairCount){
case (pc, _) => pc.step(pairInsertion)
val elementCount = p1.elementCount(polymer.mkString.last)
val counts = elementCount.values
counts.max - counts.min
end solve1
def solve2(s: String): BigInt =
val (polymer, pairInsertion) = parse(s)
val last: Char = polymer.mkString.last
val p1: PairCount = (0 until 40).foldLeft(polymer.toPairCount){
case (pc, _) => pc.step(pairInsertion)
val elementCount = p1.elementCount(polymer.mkString.last)
val counts = elementCount.values
counts.max - counts.min
end solve2
@main def part1: Unit =
val ans = solve1(input)
@main def part2: Unit =
val ans = solve2(input)
package lascala.aoc2021.day11_20.day14
import minitest.SimpleTestSuite
import hedgehog.minitest.HedgehogSupport
import hedgehog.*
object Day14Test extends SimpleTestSuite with HedgehogSupport:
val testInput = """NNCB
CH -> B
HH -> N
CB -> H
NH -> C
HB -> C
HC -> B
HN -> C
NN -> C
BH -> H
NC -> B
NB -> B
BN -> B
BB -> N
BC -> B
CC -> N
CN -> C"""
example("day14 - solve 1") {
solve1(testInput) ==== 1588
example("day14 - solve 2") {
solve2(testInput) ==== BigInt("2188189693529")
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