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sunjon / better_inc_search.vim
Last active May 26, 2017 13:57
Tab through partial HLS
" Tab to cycle through instances of partially complete search pattern {{{
set wildcharm=<Tab>
cnoremap <expr> <Tab> BetterIncSearch('tab')
cnoremap <expr> <S-Tab> BetterIncSearch('stab')
" better incremental search
function! BetterIncSearch(key) abort
if getcmdtype() ==# '/' || getcmdtype() ==# '?'
if (a:key ==# 'tab' && v:searchforward) || (a:key ==# 'stab' && !v:searchforward)
return "\<CR>/\<C-r>/"
" Parse current buffer :syntax for hl names that link to hl-groups
function! activewin#syntax#Parse()
redir => l:buf_syntax
silent exec 'syntax'
redir END
let l:group_keys = []
let l:hl_pattern = '^\w\+\(\_.*links to\)\@='
call substitute(l:buf_syntax, l:hl_pattern, '\=add(l:group_keys, submatch(0))', 'g')
echom string(l:group_keys)
sunjon / deptree
Last active March 2, 2019 17:01
Chef Recipe include/dependency checker
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Senghan Bright
# Delta Projects
COOKBOOK_DIRECTORIES=(cookbooks community_cookbooks forked_cookbooks)
COLOR_COOKBOOK=(131 165 151)
COLOR_DELIMITER=(215 153 32)
pico-8 cartridge //
version 4
pallete = {1, 13, 12, 6, 7}
ellipse_rad_x = 30
ellipse_rad_y = 10
velocity = 0
gravity = 0.98
posy = 1
sunjon /
Last active February 14, 2023 19:13
Elasticsearch viewer based on FZF

T-Bana: 'Kibana' for the terminal


$ alias tbana={install_path}/
$ tbana


  • tab : toggle source (hosts/predefined queries)
sunjon /
Last active September 26, 2019 22:03
Shinken stats for TV display
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -a COLUMN_KEYS
#!/usr/bin/env luajit
local TOTAL_COLORS = 256
local char = string.char
local io_read =
local byte = string.byte
local INDEX_MAX_DIGITS = #(tostring(TOTAL_COLORS)) + 1
-- Ascii decimal value lookup
local ascii = {
-- OSC 4 Color Parser for Neovim
-- Copyright Senghan Bright 2021
local uv = vim.loop
-- check if COLORTERM is advertised by the terminal emulator
local colorterm = os.getenv("COLORTERM")
if not (colorterm == "truecolor") then
error("Truecolor environment not found. Ensure your terminal enables the 'COLORTERM' environment variable.")
local api = vim.api
local fn = vim.fn
local ddc = {
enable = fn["ddc#enable"],
patch_global = fn["ddc#custom#patch_global"],
patch_filetype = fn["ddc#custom#patch_filetype"],
manual_complete = fn["ddc#map#manual_complete"],
get_complete_info = fn["ddc#complete_info"],
local U = require "Comment.utils"
local VISUAL_LINE = U.cmotion["V"]
local min, max = math.min, math.max
require("Comment").setup {
opleader = {
-- line = "gc", -- TODO: had to switch these to achieve the lua behaviour wanted
line = "gb",
-- block = "gb",
block = "gc",