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'Create text file in documents folder with today's date
'Note if you have a recording that crosses into the next day, a new file will be created
dim FILENAME = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)+"\RecordingLog"+DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyy")+".txt"
'Get recording duration
dim xml = API.XML()
dim x as new system.xml.xmldocument
dim Duration = integer.parse((x.SelectSingleNode("//recording/@duration").Value))
// ==UserScript==
// @id quickCopyPortalnameplus
// @name IITC Plugin: Webhook Raid Bot POI Command
// @category Tweaks
// @version 0.6.5
// @namespace
// @downloadURL
// @homepageURL
// @description Sends command to manage POIs to raid bot admin channel with one click
// @author tehstone, typographynerd. forked from Forte and Sunkast
// ==UserScript==
// @id quickCopyPortalnameplus
// @name IITC Plugin: Quick Copy PokeNav POI Command
// @category Tweaks
// @version 0.0.2b
// @namespace
// @description Copies the command to add a Gym to PokeNav with one click
// @author Forte
// @include https://**
// @include http://**
// Only these channels are monitored
let scanChans = ["city-t5-raids", "city-t1-4-raids"];
// Only messages from the scanner bot are monitored
if (scanChans.includes( && === 'SCANNER_BOT_ID'){
// Add a reaction to each message
const filter = (reaction, user) => {