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sunloverz / ruby-metaprogramming
Created March 16, 2014 14:33
Ruby metaprogramming list of spells (ie design patterns)
Argument Array
Collapse a list of arguments into an array.
Around Alias
Call the previous, aliased version of a method from a redefined method.
Blank Slate
Remove methods from an object to turn them into Ghost Methods.
Class Extension
curl -H "Content-Typ"Authorization: OAuth O7KrMTwmw997iq0KzL7v" -d '{"messages":[{"body":"hello world!"}]}' ""
class GardenHose:
def countDead(self, n, rowDist, colDist, hoseDist):
count = 0
for row in range(0, n):
for col in range(0, n):
if (row + 1) * rowDist <= hoseDist or (n - row) * rowDist <= hoseDist:
if (col + 1) * colDist <= hoseDist or (n - col) * colDist <= hoseDist:
count += 1
sunloverz / gist:99db6a4d36da96488b50
Created December 24, 2014 05:57
GOROOT environment variable is empty or could not be detected properly.
I just found another way to add GOPATH sources in the project.
1) Open Project Structure.
2) Select Project Settings -> Modules -> {your module}
3) Under sources label, select Add Content Root to add GOPATH folder.
4) Mark src folder in GOPATH folder as Sources.
Then the GOPATH is added to the project, and everything works fine. The plugin do not need to know anything about GOPATH.
I think it should works for non-IDEA IDEs.
=Clicking links and buttons=
click_link('Link Text')
click('Link Text') # Click either a link or a button
click('Button Value')
Hmm…it looks like I just wrote War and Peace
sunloverz / postgres-9.3
Created June 1, 2015 09:49
Create user and database in postgresql
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create user "guy_on_stackoverflow" with password 'keepitonthedl';
postgres=# create database "dcaclab_development" owner "guy_on_stackoverflow";
sunloverz / gist:4130031
Created November 22, 2012 08:42
* Generate a DOCX file
* @category Phpdocx
* @package create
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
* (
* @license LGPL
sunloverz / letsrate.js.erb
Created April 19, 2013 11:22
rate_path usage in project
$.fn.raty.defaults.path = "/assets";
$.fn.raty.defaults.half_show = true;
score: function(){
return $(this).attr('data-rating')
number: function() {
return $(this).attr('data-star-count')
sunloverz@kg:~/projects/discourse$ vagrant box add discourse-0.8.4 ~/Downloads/
Downloading or copying the box...
Extracting box...te: 27.6M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:01)
Successfully added box 'discourse-0.8.4' with provider 'virtualbox'!
sunloverz@kg:~/projects/discourse$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[default] Importing base box 'discourse-0.8.4'...
[default] Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
[default] Setting the name of the VM...
[default] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...