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//: #Default associatedtype & overriding
//: Let's make an example of how can you use default associatedtype, to make clear what
//: it really does.
//: We will create generic protocol for Container, with associatedtype for ItemType.
//: Our ItemType will haave a default value of Int.
protocol Container {
associatedtype ItemType = Int
protocol CurrencyProtocol { }
extension CurrencyProtocol {
typealias Currency = Double
struct ReallyImportantCurrencyStruct {
typealias Currency = Double
protocol CurrencyProtocol {
typealias Currency = Double
struct ReallyImportantCurrencyStruct: CurrencyProtocol {
func currencyFunction() -> ReallyImportantCurrencyStruct.Currency {
return 2.0
let currency = ReallyImportantCurrencyStruct()
let currencies = [CurrencyProtocol]()
struct LazyType {
lazy var soomethingLazy: String = {
return "Test lazy instance method"
struct LazyType {
// Normal usage
lazy var soomethingLazy: String = {
return "Test lazy instance method"
// Lazy in statics
static var somethingLazy: String = {
return "Test lazy static method"
// swift-tools-version:4.0
// swift-tools-version:4.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Harvey",
products: [
name: "Harvey",
targets: ["Harvey"]),