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Ext.define('SlideNav.view.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.TabPanel',
xtype: 'main',
config: {
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
items: [{
title: 'Home',
iconCls: 'home',
html: ['This is a very simple example of Facebook style slide navigation. ',
'The component is mostly developed with CSS3 animations and a small bit of javascript code. ',
Ext.define('SlideNav.view.Navigation', {
extend: 'Ext.List',
xtype: 'navigation',
requires: [''],
config: {
cls: 'nav-list',
itemTpl: '{title}',
data: [{
title: 'Item 1'
}, {
* Show the gallery carousel with all the images
showGalleryCarousel: function (clickedImage) {
var me = this,
clickedImgIndex = 0;
// Query all the images and save in an array
me.images = me.images || me.element.query('img.thumbnail');
/*********************** Gallery Carousel *************************/
.gallery-carousel {
z-index: 20;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
.gallery-item {
max-width: 100%;
Ext.define('SenchaGallery.view.GalleryCarousel', {
extend: 'Ext.carousel.Carousel',
xtype: 'gallerycarousel',
requires: ['Ext.TitleBar'],
config: {
fullscreen: true,
modal: true,
images: [],
html: '<div class="close-gallery" data-action="close_carousel"></div>',
cls: 'gallery-carousel',
#photos {
/* Prevent vertical gaps */
line-height: 0;
-webkit-column-count: 3;
-webkit-column-gap: 0px;
margin: 10px 10px 0 15px;
#photos img {
width: 95% !important;
initialize: function () {
var me = this;
// Add tap event on the images to open the carousel
me.element.on('tap', function (e, el) {
}, me, {
delegate: 'img.thumbnail'
* Load the images and add them to the gallery container
* Here is the point where you have to change the fetching mechanism
* say to get data with proxy and save in a Store.
* Also, you may have to change the
loadImages: function () {
var me = this;{
Ext.define('SenchaGallery.view.Gallery', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
xtype: 'gallery',
requires: [''],
config: {
cls: 'gallery',
scrollable: true,
// Template to show the thumbnail images
tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
'<tpl if="this.isEmpty(items)">',
panel.element.on('tap', function (e, el) {
el = Ext.get(el);
if (!el.getAttribute('data-action')) {
el = el.parent();
}, this, {
delegate: 'li.home-menu-item'