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Andrei Constantinescu sylar

View GitHub Profile
  1. download OpenEmu-Experimental
  2. download BIOS package
  3. unarchive bios package
  4.  duplicate `SCPH5552.BIN` and rename it to `SCPH5501.BIN`
  5. open Finder and press CMD + SHIFT + G
  6. fill in with ~/Library/Application Support/OpenEmu and hit Enter
  7. open the BIOS folder, if it's not, create it.
  8. copy SCPH5500.BIN, SCPH5501.BIN, SCPH5502.BIN from the BIOS package folder you downloaded earlier.
  9. open OpenEmu.
  10. select Sony PlayStation from the left pane
sylar / sshpass.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
brew sshpass package
require 'formula'
class Sshpass < Formula
url ''
homepage ''
sha256 'c3f78752a68a0c3f62efb3332cceea0c8a1f04f7cf6b46e00ec0c3000bc8483e'
def install
system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking",


To improve, broadly the intent of the users need to be matched with what the site provides. Additionally, new market/user trends can be predicted. Putting trend prediction outside the scope of this doc currently.

What site provides

User acquisition could be direct, search or social. has a pretty high direct visits so people are largely landing on the home page itself. Hence the home page seems to be the correct indicator of what the site thinks users want.

  1. Your city weather is the most prominent offering but without a call to action button.
  2. A sensational weather news story & call to action button to read more.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am andreiconstantinescu on github.
  • I am andrei0610 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASB1Tj7DOktnR9QrofHJMNgDK8Hr9HEZjVPLNi6do4YYqwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

sylar / movies.rb
Last active September 23, 2016 19:20
"The Prestige" => 5,
"Titanic" => 3
exists = false
puts 'Write "add" to insert a movies'
case choice
when "add"
sylar /
Created October 16, 2016 09:54
CodeCademy | Learn ReactJS Part II | Separate Conatiner Components from Presentational Ones


var React = require('react');

var GuineaPigs = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    var src = this.props.src
    return (
        <h1>Cute Guinea Pigs</h1>
Sublime text setup
- Terminus
- Typescript
- Origami
- Git blame
- jsPrettier
Mouse config:
sylar / downloadAudio.js
Created May 27, 2020 21:18
const fs = require("fs");
const exec = require("child_process").exec;
const sources = [
"../assets/sounds/da aluminiu si imprumut.mp3",
"../assets/sounds/da bineinteles.mp3",
"../assets/sounds/da cum zice si peterson esti prost de ti pute tot.mp3",
"../assets/sounds/da da da da.mp3",
"../assets/sounds/da esti atata de pamant ca forma ta preferata e depresia.mp3",
"../assets/sounds/da exista cuie de sicriu mai putin batute n cap.mp3",
Years ago, when I was backpacking across Western Europe, I was just outside Barcelona, hiking in the foothills of mount Tibidabo. I was at the end of this path, and I came to a clearing, and there was a lake, very secluded, and there were tall trees all around. It was dead silent. Gorgeous. And across the lake I saw, a beautiful woman, bathing herself. but she was crying...
I hesitated, watching, struck by her beauty. And also by how her presence; the delicate curve of her back, the dark sweep of her hair, the graceful length of her limbs, even her tears, added to the majesty of my surroundings. I felt my own tears burning behind my eyes, not in sympathy, but in appreciation of such a perfect moment.
She spied me before I could compose myself. But she didn't cry out. Instead our eyes held and she smiled, enigmatically, fresh tears still spilling down her cheeks. I was frozen. I knew nothing about this woman, and yet, as we stood on opposite sides of a pool of water, thousands of miles from my own home and eve