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Friedrich Schuler symdesign

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/*--------------Library code----------------*/
* BezierEasing - use bezier curve for transition easing function
* by Gaëtan Renaudeau 2014 – MIT License
* Credits: is based on Firefox's nsSMILKeySpline.cpp
* Usage:
* var spline = BezierEasing(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0)
* spline(x) => returns the easing value | x must be in [0, 1] range

Install LAMP

Configure PHP/MySQL for Froxlor

Change the MySQL root password

use mysql;
update user set authentication_string=PASSWORD("PASSWORD!") where User='root';
flush privileges;

Translating .PO files using Google translate

So you need to translate some plugin or theme to your native language and have been handed one of those pesky .pot / .po files?

You're lucky the plugin at least supports language files, but unlucky that you now have a mountain of small lines to translate. You could download a tool like [poedit][1] and slog through the translation, but I felt there has to be a way to populate the file with at least some of the required translation, saving some of the grunt work. Fortunately Google delivers (although oddly I did not find the link through my initial google search!)

Google translate has a workbench for PO files:

Obviously you need a Google account. This tool gives you a simple side by side workflow where you can see the original and edit the translation, but more importantly: Google will make a best effort attempt to translate your file for you!

Multiple Dropboxes

Anleitung, wie man auf dem Mac mehrere Dropbox-Instanzen parallel nutzen kann.


Als Erstes öffnet man sich das Terminal. Dort gibt man den folgenden Befehl ein

HOME=$HOME/.dropbox-2 /Applications/ &

Nach der Eingabe sollte ein zweites Dropbox Icon in der Menüleiste auftauchen

symdesign / Guide
Last active January 1, 2019 19:37
# Root Login
To log into your server, you will need to know your server's public IP address (`hostname -i`) and the password for the "root" user's account. If you have not already logged into your server, you may want to follow the first tutorial in this series, [How to Connect to Your Droplet with SSH](, which covers this process in detail.
# Create a New User
Once you are logged in as `root`, we're prepared to add the new user account that we will use to log in from now on.
This example creates a new user called "demo", but you should replace it with a user name that you like:
symdesign /
Last active August 7, 2018 10:43
I had problems installing selenium chrome webdriver on my DigitalOcean droplet and got an Error: 127 all the time. Here is what solved my problem: $ chmod +x ./ $ ./
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Versions
git ls-files -i --exclude-from=.gitignore | xargs git rm --cached
npm view <module-name> versions --json
freq = 2;
decay = 1;
mult = .05;
if (numKeys > 1 && time > key(2).time){
t = time - key(2).time;
a = velocityAtTime(key(2).time-.01)[0];
d = a*mult*Math.sin(t*freq*Math.PI*2)/Math.exp(t*decay);
value + [d,d]