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tacamDev /
Last active March 8, 2023 22:16

TACAM Git Commit Guidelines

Getting Started

Git is a commonly used version control system for software development. It allows developers to track changes in their code, collaborate with others, and roll back to previous versions if needed.

Here is an excellent video on how to begin using Git with GitHub: Beginner Guide


  • Repository (“Repo”) - A directory that stores all the files, folders, and content needed for your project.
  • Local repository - Where you keep your copy of a Git repository on your computer

VSCode Shortcuts

Shortcut pdf link


  • shift + ctrl + <- highlight the whole symbol
  • shift + Home highlight everything to the left
  • shift + End highlight everything to the right
  • ctrl + a highlight everything
  • ctrl + d highlight symbol in cursor (press again to highlight the next similar symbol)

How to use Easy Loader Packer with PlatformIO

  1. In VSCode press Verbose Upload in project tasks. This will build and upload the firmware but more importantly it will print out the path and memory address of all needed bin files. vscode
  2. Copy the text between Auto-dectected: COMX and vX.X into a text file.
  3. Format the file to easily see each memory address and file location of the bin files on there own lines. notepad
  4. Go to EasyLoader Packer website (servers are only online durning the week).
  5. Enter Window Title and Title.
  6. Go to the Burn Settings tab.
tacamDev /
Created July 25, 2023 18:58
ESP32 JTAG Debugging

Debugging ESP32

How to use esp-prog jtag debugger:

  • Wire esp-prog to ESP32 device zadig option
  • In vscode, add debug_tool = esp-prog and upload_protocall = esp-prog to platformio.ini
  • Download Zadig and run it
  • Go to "Options" tab and check "List All Devices" zadig option
  • Select "Dual RS232-HS (Interface 0)" in the drop down menu zadig select