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solve for (C_co2_o, C_h2s_o, C_h, C_hco3, C_co3, C_h2s_w), m_co2 = V_g * P_co2 + V_o * C_co2_o + V_w * (C_co2_w + C_hco3 + C_co3), m_h2s = V_g * P_h2s + V_o * C_h2s_o + V_w * (C_h2s_w + C_hs), alk_tot = C_hco3 + 2 * C_co3 + C_hs + C_oh - C_h, K1 = C_h * C_hco3 / C_co2_w, K2 = C_h * C_co3 / C_hco3, K_h2s = C_hs * C_h / C_h2s_w
tadeu /
Last active December 18, 2015 11:39
(C_co2_o, m_co2, V_g, P_co2, V_o, V_w, C_co2_w, C_hco3, C_co3, m_h2s, P_h2s, C_h2s_o, C_h2s_w, C_hs, alk_tot, C_oh, C_h, K1, K2, K_h2s) = symbols(
'C_co2_o m_co2 V_g P_co2 V_o V_w C_co2_w C_hco3 C_co3 m_h2s P_h2s C_h2s_o C_h2s_w C_hs alk_tot C_oh C_h K1 K2 K_h2s')
eq_co2_mass = ( m_co2 - V_g * P_co2 + V_o * C_co2_o + V_w * (C_co2_w + C_hco3 + C_co3) )
eq_h2s_mass = ( m_h2s - V_g * P_h2s + V_o * C_h2s_o + V_w * (C_h2s_w + C_hs) )
eq_alk = ( alk_tot - C_hco3 + 2 * C_co3 + C_hs + C_oh - C_h )
eq_h2co3_1st = (K1 - C_h * C_hco3 / C_co2_w)
eq_h2co3_2nd = (K2 - C_h * C_co3 / C_hco3)
eq_h2s_dissoc = (K_h2s - C_hs * C_h / C_h2s_w)
tadeu / download-python-sources.bat
Last active February 22, 2018 07:34
@echo off
mkdir D:\Workspaces
subst W: D:\Workspaces
cdd W:\
mkdir dist__12.0-win32-builddist
cdd W:\dist__12.0-win32-builddist
:: aa python --no-build --no-package
def ExecuteCommandReturningStatusStdoutAndStderr(cmd, input=None, cwd=None, env=None):
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
pipe = Popen(cmd, shell=False, cwd=cwd, env=env, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
(output, errout) = pipe.communicate(input=input)
status = pipe.returncode
return (status, output, errout)