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dw =. 10
dw2 =. dw
hw =. 5 50
tl =. '..' ((-,+)/>.-:dw2,~{:hw) } 40 # ' '
bg0 =. hw $ a.i.'.'
bg1 =. 26 | (]+ ] = dw |. ]) hw $? (*/hw)#26
bg1 =. 65 + bg1
bg =. a. {~ bg1
el =. "_1 _
lf =. 15
tangentstorm /
Created March 24, 2018 03:08
my first rust macro
fn when(&mut self, v:VID, val:NID, nid:NID)->NID {
macro_rules! op {
[not $x:ident] => {{ let x1 = self.when(v, val, $x); self.not(x1) }};
[$f:ident $x:ident $y:ident] => {{
let x1 = self.when(v, val, $x);
let y1 = self.when(v, val, $y);
self.$f(x1,y1) }}}
if v >= self.vars.len() { nid }
else { match self[nid] {
Op::Var(x) if x==v => val,
tangentstorm / risc.pas
Created April 9, 2013 14:47
RISC virtual machine by Niklaus Wirth from his book, Compiler Construction. (This is actually oberon, not pascal, but github doesn't highlight oberon)
MODULE RISC; (* NW 22.9.07 / 28.3.11 *)
IMPORT SYSTEM, Texts, Oberon;
MemSize = 1024; (* in words *)
MOV = 0; AND = 1; IOR = 2; XOR = 3; LSL = 4; ASR = 5;
ADD = 8; SUB = 9; MUL = 10; Div = 11; CMP = 12;
tangentstorm / BeaconTeleport.cs
Created December 5, 2017 16:00
BeaconTeleport for unity3d / VRTK
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using VRTK;
/* This class lets you leave a beacon in the scene and teleport to it later.
* It should be attached to an object that also has a VRTK_ControllerEvents
* component attached.
tangentstorm / magic-squares.k
Created May 17, 2017 23:09
magic squares in k
msq: {[m] s:(-1+m*m) (1 -1 +)\ (_ m%2; 0); 1+/.[m#,m#0; ; :; ]'[(s+2 -1*/:,/m#/:!m)!m; !#s]}
#include <stdio.h>
#define I(n) for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
#define J(n) for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
#define O(str) printf(str)
#define Oc(c) putc(c, stdout)
#define M(x,y,c) m[y][x]=c;
int main() {
char c; char m[22][10];
tangentstorm / k.bnf
Created June 24, 2016 03:14
lexer and parser for K language... part of IntelliK
tangentstorm / keypad_art.c
Created June 11, 2016 18:25
arduino stuff
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <LedControl.h>
#include <Key.h>
#include <Keypad.h>
const byte rows = 4;
const byte cols = 4;
>>> ebnf_sc.scan('x = A | b')
[('x', 'IDENT', 0), ('=', '=', 2), ('A', 'IDENT', 4), ('|', '|', 6), ('b', 'IDENT', 8)]
from collections import namedtuple
from warnings import warn
import string
def T(tag, doc, args):
"""Creates a new tuple type."""
def read_ints():
i = 0
while True:
s = input('enter number[%i]:' % i)
yield int(s); i+=1
except ValueError:
if s == "": return
else: print "ignoring invalid number"