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Tan Nguyen tanqhnguyen

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Found [57] videos when using playlistItems.list API, and [58] videos when using search.list API for channel [UC7_YxT-KID8kRbqZo7MyscQ]
Videos in playlistItems.list but not in search.list: []
Videos in search.list but not in playlistItems.list: [M9PE5V_jGwE]
Found [13] videos when using playlistItems.list API, and [13] videos when using search.list API for channel [UCKqH_9mk1waLgBiL2vT5b9g]
Videos in playlistItems.list but not in search.list: []
Videos in search.list but not in playlistItems.list: []
Found [43] videos when using playlistItems.list API, and [43] videos when using search.list API for channel [UCMxYQX1zaepCgmiSmwbT39w]
Videos in playlistItems.list but not in search.list: []
Videos in search.list but not in playlistItems.list: []
Found [21] videos when using playlistItems.list API, and [21] videos when using search.list API for channel [UC-iNzkiXFbRr_l-lq9MVy7w]
Product.relations = {
'comments': {
'type': 'hasMany',
'model': 'Comment',
'foreignKey': 'product_id'
'tags': {
'type': 'hasManyAndBelongsTo',
'model': 'Tag',
'through': 'ProductTag',
tanqhnguyen / gist:52213f40ffa800153d90
Created October 12, 2015 16:34
describe('Watch input type', function() {
it('should update models when changed to gte type', function() {
$scope.form.input = ['1'];
ctrl.versionType = 'gte';
Yii::setPathOfAlias('Predis', '/usr/share/php/Predis');
Yii::setPathOfAlias('Archive', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../archive'));
Yii::setPathOfAlias('art-cache', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../art/'));
return array(
'env' => 'dev',
'google_analytic' => 'UA-31325000-1',
convert -size 256x256 -fill 'rgb(241, 240, 238)' -draw 'rectangle 0,0,32,32' -draw 'rectangle 0,64,32,96' -draw 'rectangle 0,128,32,160' -draw 'rectangle 0,192,32,224' -draw 'rectangle 32,32,64,64' -draw 'rectangle 32,96,64,128' -draw 'rectangle 32,160,64,192' -draw 'rectangle 32,224,64,256' -draw 'rectangle 64,0,96,32' -draw 'rectangle 64,64,96,96' -draw 'rectangle 64,128,96,160' -draw 'rectangle 64,192,96,224' -draw 'rectangle 96,32,128,64' -draw 'rectangle 96,96,128,128' -draw 'rectangle 96,160,128,192' -draw 'rectangle 96,224,128,256' -draw 'rectangle 128,0,160,32' -draw 'rectangle 128,64,160,96' -draw 'rectangle 128,128,160,160' -draw 'rectangle 128,192,160,224' -draw 'rectangle 160,32,192,64' -draw 'rectangle 160,96,192,128' -draw 'rectangle 160,160,192,192' -draw 'rectangle 160,224,192,256' -draw 'rectangle 192,0,224,32' -draw 'rectangle 192,64,224,96' -draw 'rectangle 192,128,224,160' -draw 'rectangle 192,192,224,224' -draw 'rectangle 224,32,256,64' -draw 'rectangle 224,96,256,128' -draw 'rectangle 22
convert -size 256x256 -fill 'rgb(241, 240, 238)' -draw 'rectangle 0,0,32,32' -draw 'rectangle 0,64,32,96' -draw 'rectangle 0,128,32,160' -draw 'rectangle 0,192,32,224' -draw 'rectangle 32,32,64,64' -draw 'rectangle 32,96,64,128' -draw 'rectangle 32,160,64,192' -draw 'rectangle 32,224,64,256' -draw 'rectangle 64,0,96,32' -draw 'rectangle 64,64,96,96' -draw 'rectangle 64,128,96,160' -draw 'rectangle 64,192,96,224' -draw 'rectangle 96,32,128,64' -draw 'rectangle 96,96,128,128' -draw 'rectangle 96,160,128,192' -draw 'rectangle 96,224,128,256' -draw 'rectangle 128,0,160,32' -draw 'rectangle 128,64,160,96' -draw 'rectangle 128,128,160,160' -draw 'rectangle 128,192,160,224' -draw 'rectangle 160,32,192,64' -draw 'rectangle 160,96,192,128' -draw 'rectangle 160,160,192,192' -draw 'rectangle 160,224,192,256' -draw 'rectangle 192,0,224,32' -draw 'rectangle 192,64,224,96' -draw 'rectangle 192,128,224,160' -draw 'rectangle 192,192,224,224' -draw 'rectangle 224,32,256,64' -draw 'rectangle 224,96,256,128' -draw 'rectangle 22
var client = bayeux.getClient()
, channelKeyPrefix = "room:";
bayeux.bind('subscribe', function(clientId, channel){
redisClient.incr(channelKeyPrefix + channel, function(error, value){
client.publish(channel, {
event: 'user-change',
params: {
onlineUsers: value
tanqhnguyen / gist:3486440
Created August 27, 2012 07:16
// Pagination details
$iDisplayStart = $_GET['iDisplayStart'];
$iDisplayLength = $_GET['iDisplayLength'];
// Table columns
$iColumns = $_GET['iColumns'];
$sColumns = $_GET['sColumns'];
$sColumns = explode(',', $sColumns);
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('comment_id_seq'::regclass)
user_id | integer | not null
post_id | integer | not null
content | text | not null
created | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('comment_id_seq'::regclass)
user_id | integer | not null
song_id | integer | not null
content | text | not null
created | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
line | integer | not null
tail | integer | not null default 0