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tant42 / gist:5191287
Created March 18, 2013 22:12
JS to convert GMT to local time.
// Server sends GMT, adjust to local time.
var localDate = new Date(
localDate = new Date(localDate.getTime() - (localDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000))
tant42 / gist:6141440
Created August 2, 2013 16:50
Quick script to find out what the difference between your local repository and what's currently deployed.
SERVER_HEAD=`ssh $1 "cd /var/www/apps/$2/current && git rev-parse HEAD"`
git log --graph --oneline $SERVER_HEAD..HEAD
tant42 /
Last active March 6, 2020 22:33
GameSalad / Google Sheets API
* This script when Publish / Deployed as a web app,
* will turn a Google sheet into an API that can communicate with a GameSalad game through it's Network Behaviors.
* For this example, table column type and name information is stored in the first two rows.
* Table row name information is in the first column.
* POST: Table data is stored in sheet in the document matching the table's tableId
* GET: The script will respond with a GameSalad Table pulling data from the sheet matching the 'tableId' parameter.