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vernal-inertia tanveer-sayyed

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tanveer-sayyed /
Last active February 23, 2019 12:31
In [12]:
# Both are not equal
print(np.NaN == None)
# In a condition we cannot get hold of a NaN value
print(np.nan == np.nan)
# But we can hold None just like strings ["missing”, “not available”, “NA”]
print(None == None)
# Creating series
series_with_all_missing = pd.Series([None, None, np.nan, np.nan])
series_with_2_missing = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 2, np.nan])
In [21]:
series_with_all_missing + series_with_2_missing
0 NaN
1 NaN
2 NaN
3 NaN
dtype: float64
In [25]:
df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[1, 2, np.nan, 3],
[np.NaN, None, np.NAN, np.nan], # Notice 3 different NaNs here
[4, 5, 'NA', '#$%'],
[6, 7, np.nan, 8],
["missing", 9, np.nan, 10],
[11, 12, np.nan, "not available"]],
In [26]:
i0 False
i1 True
i2 False
i3 False
i4 False
i5 False
In [27]:
df.to_csv('Df_with_NaNs', index=False)
In [57]:
new_df = pd.read_csv('Df_with_NaNs', na_values= ['missing', 'not available', 'NA'])
# we should avoid adding the '#$%' value here as a value might be inappropriate
# in one column but not in another.
# eg: 'Male' entered as a value in Age column instead of Gender.
# Setting new index with the same name
In [58]:
# Oops!
c0 c1 c2 c3
In [59]:
print('Data types:\n', new_df.dtypes)
# (Although such an assignment is not correct, but the purpose here is to
# demonstrate use of mean/median/mode academically so let's continue with it)
new_df.loc['i2', 'c3'] = 10
new_df['c3'] = new_df['c3'].astype('float64') # if skipped a warning would be thrown
# as '#$%' was a string.
In [61]:
mean_c0 = new_df['c0'].mean() # returns a single float
median_c1 = new_df['c1'].median() # returns a single float
mode_c3 = new_df['c3'].mode() # returns a series
print('mean_c0 = ', mean_c0)
print('median_c1 = ', median_c1)
print('mode_c3[0] = ', mode_c3[0]) # 0th element: the most repeated term
Out [61]:
In [62]:
# Usually .fillna() method is used to replace NaNs
new_df['c0'].fillna(mean_c0, inplace=True)
# We can do the same by .replace() method
new_df['c1'].replace(to_replace= np.nan, value= median_c1, inplace=True)
# Also by vectorised indexing
null_indexes_in_c3 = new_df.index[new_df['c3'].isnull()]
new_df.loc[null_indexes_in_c3, 'c3'] = mode_c3[0]