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Tarlan Ahad tarlanahad

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tarlanahad /
Created February 10, 2018 15:06
The node class for AVL tree
class Node {
Node Left, Right, Parent;
int Key;
Node(int Key) {
this.Key = Key;
public class AVL_Trees<AnyType> {
private Node Root;
private int CurrentSize = 0;
public AVL_Trees() {
private void addHelper(Node parentPosition, Node newNode) {
if (newNode.Key > parentPosition.Key) {// newNode's key is greater
//than that of parent node go right
if (parentPosition.Right == null) {//If the node is leaf
parentPosition.Right = newNode;//append newNode to its Right
newNode.Parent = parentPosition;//newNode's parent
CurrentSize++;//increment tree's size
} else {
public void add(int Key) {
Node newNode = new Node(Key);
if (Root == null) {
Root = newNode;
addHelper(Root, newNode);
private void CheckBalance(Node newNode) {
if (Math.abs(height(newNode.Left) - height(newNode.Right)) > 1) {//if difference between children's height gre. than 1
if (newNode.Parent == null) return;//if we are on in the root
CheckBalance(newNode.Parent);//otherwise, check top levels
private void ReBalance(Node node) {
if (height(node.Left) - height(node.Right) > 1) {//if the problem in the left subtree
if (height(node.Left.Left) > height(node.Left.Right)) //if the problem in the left subtree
node = RightRotate(node);//do right subtree
node = LeftRightRotate(node);
} else {
private Node LeftRotate(Node grandParentNode) {
Node temp = grandParentNode.Right;
grandParentNode.Right = temp.Left;
temp.Left = grandParentNode;
return temp;
private Node RightRotate(Node grandParentNode) {
Node temp = grandParentNode.Left;
grandParentNode.Left = temp.Right;
temp.Right = grandParentNode;
return temp;
private Node RightLeftRotate(Node grandParentNode) {
grandParentNode.Right = RightRotate(grandParentNode.Right);
return LeftRotate(grandParentNode);
private Node LeftRightRotate(Node grandParentNode) {
grandParentNode.Left = LeftRotate(grandParentNode.Left);
return RightRotate(grandParentNode);
private static int getMax(int arr[]) {
int max = arr[0];
for (int num : arr) {
if (num > max) max = num;
return max;
private static void sort(int[] a) {