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arikfr /
Last active April 26, 2024 10:07
Setting up HTTPS with LetsEncrypt for Redash Docker Deployment
  1. Make sure the domain you picked points at the IP of your Redash server.
  2. Switch to the root user (sudo su).
  3. Create a folder named nginx in /opt/redash.
  4. Create in the nginx folder two additional folders: certs and certs-data.
  5. Create the file /opt/redash/nginx/nginx.conf and place the following in it: (replace with your domain name)
    upstream redash {
        server redash:5000;

ICS: Cinderella Tokens: An Async/IBC friendly alternative to flash loans

Flashloans are a fascinating economic coordination mechanism that has emerged out the Ethereum architecture as a result of a synchronous, sequential, atomic transaction system. It allows anonymous coordination between capital providers and arbitrageurs because the capital providers can condition providing any capital on protocol enforced guarantee that the entire arbitrage is profitable denominated in the token being lent.

One of the effects of this process has been the it ensures an efficient and healthy liquidation market for the collateral in long term debt instruments. It also enables low cost scaling of economic exploits.

Why don’t flash loans exist in IBC world?

Flash loans are impossible in an IBC world because IBC semantics require finalizing a block on the origin chain rather than on the receiving chain. This makes atomicity for the lender difficult and moves us into the domain of over collateralized lending.

nickfarrow /
Last active May 13, 2024 05:03
Modifying FROST Threshold and Signers

Modifying FROST Signers and Threshold

FROST's distributed key generation involves N parties each creating a secret polynomial, and sharing evaluations of this polynomial with other parties to create a distributed FROST key.

The final FROST key is described by a joint polynomial, where the x=0 intercept is the jointly shared secret s=f(0). Each participant controls a single point on this polynomial at their participant index.

The degree T-1 of the polynomials determines the threshold T of the multisignature - as this sets the number of points required to interpolate the joint polynomial and compute evaluations under the joint secret.

T parties can interact in order to interpolate evaluations using the secret f[0] without ever actually reconstructing this secret in isolation (unlike Shamir Secret Sharing where you have to reconstruct the secret).