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"app_id": "2843e2999ca7a77f0f7b8cb7a3e8e3f9",
"archived": false,
"build_id": "3535fadd69991e288d94625805cfc71b",
"domain": "track-trace-vendor-card",
"form": {
"#type": "data",
"@name": "3) Cartes recu dans la zone",
"@uiVersion": "1",
"@version": "54",
taylordowns2000 / .json
Created October 5, 2015 17:44
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"form": "Packet__c"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
taylordowns2000 / .json
Created October 5, 2015 20:34
sample source schema
"$schema": "",
"id": "schemaID",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"formId": {
"id": "/formId",
"type": "string"
"data": {
class DestinationAction
#this is on the "Job", not the DestinationAction
@credentials = [] #set by user
#sample data for a DestinationAction
@operation = "insert" #set by user
@schema = "Boat__c" #set by user (generated from 'fn-describe')
@data = [] #populated by submission using JOLT spec
@linkageField = "Test_Event__c" #set by user or left blank
"app_id": "2843e2999ca7a77f0f7b8cb7a3e8e3f9",
"archived": false,
"build_id": "3535fadd69991e288d94625805cfc71b",
"domain": "track-trace-vendor-card",
"form": {
"#type": "data",
"@name": "1) Creez grand paquet",
"@uiVersion": "1",
"@version": "54",
Oct 12 06:29:26 openfn-listen heroku/router: at=info method=POST path="/" request_id=eaf09951-4626-4854-8fd3-6fdef85140dd fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=23ms status=200 bytes=276
Oct 12 06:29:26 openfn-listen app/web.1: {}
Oct 12 06:29:26 openfn-listen app/web.1: {"token":"","content":"record","formId":"CCM_landing_site_v1_5","formVersion":"2015100210","data":[{"*meta-instance-id*":"uuid:a212ed7d-5c1c-4cc7-aca6-787a1fe68fbf","*meta-model-version*":2015081410,"*meta-ui-version*":null,"*meta-submission-date*":"2015-10-12T13:29:14.438Z","*meta-is-complete*":true,"*meta-date-marked-as-complete*":"2015-10-12T13:29:14.438Z","start":"2015-10-12T13:26:19.010Z","end":"2015-10-12T13:28:28.217Z","today":"2015-10-12","deviceid":"865975021086209","phonenumber":null,"geopoint:Latitude":-32.0918867000,"geopoint:Longitude":18.3026320000,"geopoint:Altitude":0E-10,"geopoint:Accuracy":32.0000000000,"monitor_name":"LMBMonitor","monitor_name_manual":null,"landing_site":"
"meta": {
"outputType": "plan"
"spec": {
"form": {
"Kebele": "",
"Woreda": "",
"Assessor": {
// This is a sample "expression" that's used by OpenFn/Core.
// It transforms a JSON payload (based on prior knowledge of "origin" and "destination" schemas)
// and loads it into a destination system.
// It's simple javascript, and relies on a langauge-pack
// (which unpacks methods like "create" and "field" for a particular destination system),
// fn-lang, which governs general transformation operations,
// credentials for a destination system and
// a receipt filter, which will pass certain JSON payloads to the expression.
taylordowns2000 / dhis2_events_sampe.js
Created February 3, 2016 13:06
create events in dhis2 with generic JSON
field("program", "eBAyeGv0exc"),
field("orgUnit", "DiszpKrYNg8"),
field("eventDate", sourceValue("$")),
field("status", "COMPLETED"),
field("storedBy", "admin"),
field("coordinate", {
"latitude": "29.8",
"longitude": "10.9"