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Taylor Cooney tbcooney

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tbcooney / business_hours.rb
Created August 21, 2019 04:07
Serialization TimeOfDay with Rails and jsonb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Supplies TimeOfDay class that includes parsing, strftime, comparison, and arithmetic
gem 'tod', '~> 2.2'
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
add_column :businesses, :force => true do |t|
t.jsonb :business_hours

Here is a plain-ruby approach for a flexible and expendable authorization solution to authorize actions that a user can? perform within an account or organization based on their access_level.

class CreateMembers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    create_table :members do |t|
      t.references :account, null: false, foreign_key: true
      t.integer :access_level
      t.references :user, foreign_key: true
tbcooney / sign-pdf.rb
Created September 24, 2020 15:31 — forked from matiaskorhonen/sign-pdf.rb
Quick and dirty PDF signing in Ruby (using Origami)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "openssl"
require "time"
require "origami"
rescue LoadError
abort "origami not installed: gem install origami"
-----> Ruby app detected
-----> Installing bundler 2.0.2
-----> Removing BUNDLED WITH version in the Gemfile.lock
-----> Compiling Ruby/Rails
-----> Using Ruby version: ruby-2.7.0
-----> Installing dependencies using bundler 2.0.2
Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin -j4 --deployment
[DEPRECATED] The `--deployment` flag is deprecated because it relies on being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set deployment 'true'`, and stop using this flag
[DEPRECATED] The `--path` flag is deprecated because it relies on being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set path 'vendor/bundle'`, and stop using this flag
[DEPRECATED] The `--without` flag is deprecated because it relies on being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer do
# frozen_string_literal: true
# == AuthenticatesWithTwoFactor
# Controller concern to handle two-factor authentication
module AuthenticatesWithTwoFactor
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def prompt_for_two_factor(user)
@user = user
- @no_header = true
= t('users.two_factor.two_factor_authentication')
- if @user.two_factor_otp_enabled?
require 'openssl'
require 'origami'
rescue LoadError
# ORIGAMIDIR = "C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby1.9.3\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\origami-1.2.4\lib"
# require 'origami'
include Origami
# chatroom_channel.rb
class ChatroomsChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
current_user.chatrooms.each do |chatroom|
stream_from "chatrooms:#{}"
def unsubscribed
tbcooney / gist:e7fcf7b24b501b455a423b836ff54e4c
Last active April 29, 2020 18:11
@messages.each do |day, messages|
%span= "#{day.strftime("%B %d")}"
- messages.each do |message|
- if !unread_messages && @chatroom_user.last_read_at < message.created_at
- unread_messages = true
tbcooney / _seating_plan.html.haml
Created April 20, 2020 14:45 — forked from ftes/_seating_plan.html.haml
Drag and drop in CSS grid with rails 6, stimulus and rails-ujs
.grid--draggable{ 'data-controller': 'seating-plan',
'data-seating-plan-endpoint': endpoint,
'data-action': 'dragstart->seating-plan#onDragStart dragover->seating-plan#onDragOver dragenter->seating-plan#onDragEnter drop->seating-plan#onDrop dragend->seating-plan#onDragEnd' }
- seating_plan.each do |seat|
- if seat[:is_empty]
.grid__item.grid__item--empty{ 'data-row': seat[:row],
'data-col': seat[:col],
style: "grid-row: #{seat[:row]}; grid-column: #{seat[:col]};",
class: ('grid__item--border' if seat[:is_border]) }