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simonw / shorten-bookmarklet.js
Created April 11, 2009 15:19
Expanded form of a bookmarklet for extracting rev=canonical OR tinyurling a page
/* Expanded form of a bookmarklet for extracting rev=canonical OR tinyurling a page */
var url=document.location;
var links=document.getElementsByTagName('link');
var found=0;
for(var i = 0, l; l = links[i]; i++) {
if (l.getAttribute('rev') == 'canonical' || (/alternate short/).exec(l.getAttribute('rel'))) {
davepeck / BinaryDataScanner.h
Created April 27, 2009 04:35
Two simple Objective-C classes that make it crazy easy to read data from sequential binary files.
// BinaryDataScanner.m
// Copyright 2009 Dave Peck <davepeck [at] davepeck [dot] org>. All rights reserved.
// This class makes it quite a bit easier to read sequential binary files in Objective-C.
// This code is released under the BSD license. If you use it in your product, please
// let me know and, if possible, please put me in your credits.
// NSObject+BlockObservation.h
// Version 1.0
// Andy Matuschak
// Public domain because I love you. Let me know how you use it.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
kennethkalmer / gist:278814
Created January 16, 2010 13:14
node.js SMTP Server
smtpd.js is SMTP server written for node.js
MIT License
var tcp = require('tcp');
var sys = require('sys');
koshigoe /
Created February 11, 2011 14:57
Like tmpfs in Mac OSX
# This program has two feature.
# 1. Create a disk image on RAM.
# 2. Mount that disk image.
# Usage:
# $0 <dir> <size>
chrishulbert / ssdp.node.js
Created March 30, 2011 21:46
Service discovery using node.js and ssdp / universal plug n play
var dgram = require('dgram'); // dgram is UDP
// Listen for responses
function listen(port) {
var server = dgram.createSocket("udp4");
server.on("message", function (msg, rinfo) {
console.log("server got: " + msg + " from " + rinfo.address + ":" + rinfo.port);
mikeash / gist:1132620
Created August 8, 2011 20:17
Namespaced constants in C
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// .h file
struct MyConstantsStruct
NSString *foo;
NSString *bar;
javan / gist:1168475
Created August 24, 2011 16:32
Fix iPhone home button
Found this tip in comment here:
1.) Open any application
2.) Press and hold the power button until the slide to shutdown swipe bar appears.
3.) Release Power button
4.) Press and hold Home button Lightly
until screen returns to icon screen
incanus /
Created September 1, 2011 19:12
Xcode 4 scheme Archive step Post-script for automatic TestFlight build uploading. See the blog post here:
# (Above line comes out when placing in Xcode scheme)
API_TOKEN=<TestFlight API token here>
TEAM_TOKEN=<TestFlight team token here>
SIGNING_IDENTITY="iPhone Distribution: Development Seed"
PROVISIONING_PROFILE="${HOME}/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/MapBox Ad Hoc.mobileprovision"
0xc010d / ReCodeSign
Created November 14, 2011 22:38
Codesign an iOS app, with a different distribution certificate and mobileprovisioning file.
- Copy the delivered ipa into a directory to work in.
- export PlistBuddy="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy" to get the PlistBuddy tool to your shell. If it is not added, all references to PlistBuddy
will need to be written as the full path.
- Take the delivered App.ipa and unzip it using the unzip command. This should produce a Payload directory containing the app and its
- Enter the command "codesign -d --entitlements :enterprise.plist Payload/" This pulls the entitlements out of the app, and
prints them to a plist, without a leading "blob" of data. Pay particular attention to the colon before the enterprise.plist file name.