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<span class="deep__rating-value">2 star<sup class="deep__rating-yelp"></sup></span>
tdrach / mixins.scss
Last active October 16, 2015 17:38
Standard SCSS Mixins
@function strip-unit($num) {
@return $num / ($num * 0 + 1);
@mixin rem($property, $values...) {
$max: length($values);
$pxValues: '';
$remValues: '';
@for $i from 1 through $max {
var deviceHeight = $(window).height();
var scrollValue = 0;
$(window).scroll(function() {
scrollValue = $(window).scrollTop();
if(scrollValue > deviceHeight) {
console.log("Blow shit up");
tdrach / SCSS Vendor Prefixing
Created March 9, 2015 18:59
Vendor prefix any and all CSS properties
// Mixin
@mixin vp($property, $values) {
-webkit-#{$property}: #{$values};
-ms-#{$property}: #{$values};
-moz-#{$property}: #{$values};
-o-#{$property}: #{$values};
#{$property}: #{$values};
// Mixin - Usage
$(".account__settings-form").on("click", ".is-unlocked", function(event) {
$(".account__settings-form").on("click", ".is-unlocked", function(event) {
## Formatting
Use one space after selector definitions and property declarations.
.selector {
background-color: #fff;
If ever grouping selectors, keep them on their own line. Place the closing brace on its' own line, this makes it easier to see where the selector's territory ends.
Each declaration should appear on its own line for more accurate error reporting. This also results in more truthful git diffs.
# Motel CSS Coding Style
## Formatting
Use one space after selector definitions and property declarations.
.selector {
background-color: #fff;
If ever grouping selectors, keep them on their own line. Place the closing brace on its' own line, this makes it easier to see where the selector's territory ends.
Each declaration should appear on its own line for more accurate error reporting. This also results in more truthful git diffs.

Motel Front End Coding Styleguide

CSS Coding Style


Use one space after selector definitions and property declarations.

.selector {
	background-color: #fff;		
tdrach / gist:63b64ed5c8e6e7e832c9
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
How We Work at Motel

Motel Resident

You're now a resident at Motel, yayyyy. This will answer some questions and kick off the best first week ever. Hopefully you're as excited as we are.

Daily life at Motel

We have a standup every morning at 11:45 EST, 8:45 PST. It's quick and simple, tell everyone what you did yesterday and what you plan on doing today. The goal here is to wave hi to the team, and get everyone on the same page.

You can access this meeting either via #general channel in Slack, or here.

The rest of the day, you may be pairing with another team member on a project, or working solo exploring some internal stuff. Every day is different at Motel, and that's part of why we love it so much.