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i like my code funcy

Thomas teberl

i like my code funcy
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Delete all branches except master from the local repository

alias gbD="git branch | grep -v "master" |xargs git branch -D"

Find applications listen on port 3k

lsof -n -i:3000 | grep LISTEN

List the 20 biggest files in your home directory

sudo du -ah /home | sort -n -r | head -n 20

Don't fear the release

Releases with Distillery 2.0 and Docker


  1. OTP Release using distillery
    • Create a new phoenix project
    • Building the first release
    • Run your release
    • Move the release anywhere
Set-PoshPrompt -Theme craver #
Import-Module git-aliases -DisableNameChecking
Import-Module -Name Terminal-Icons
Import-Module z
# Custom Aliases
set-alias npms "Start-Npm"
function Start-Npm {
$env:PORT = 9002; npm start;