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on sys-event-start:
#I don't really get this part, though
technillogue / gist:1639614
Created January 19, 2012 11:59
DuskWolf compiler
improt string, sysy
containers = ["on"]
cmd_trans = {"on": "while"}
lineargs = {"on": ["event"], "comment": ["text"], "var": ["name", "value"]}
NAME = "foo"
source = open(name + ".dw").read()
compiled = open(name + ".json", "w")
technillogue / gist:3772608
Created September 23, 2012 18:35
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
* f14937b (HEAD, master) Changed game to games, started changing existing games to use the Game class and the games package
* f860e9a Removed obvious bugs
* 198a353 Removed core.shared, added api.reset_defaults(), cleaned and fixed some other code
| * ec50c9e (refs/stash) WIP on master: 3a9b4ff Integrated WWHM map and tweeked some classes
| |\
|/ /
| * e662e05 index on master: 3a9b4ff Integrated WWHM map and tweeked some classes
* 3a9b4ff (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Integrated WWHM map and tweeked some classes
* 96805c3 Added back option to thinker
technillogue / gist:3772635
Created September 23, 2012 18:44
yelik error
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load file system codec
This application hes requiestion the Runtime to terminate it in an ususual way.
Please contanct the application's support team for more information.
def move_exec(self):
being =
dest = self.args["go where"]
loc = being.location
if dest in loc.links.values():
being.location = dest
print(, "has moved too",
if is
technillogue /
Last active February 22, 2022 18:20 — forked from anonymous/gist:5882172
A simple python calculator using lambda expressions
operations = {
"+": lambda x, y: x + y,
"-": lambda x, y: x - y,
"/": lambda x, y: x / y,
"*": lambda x, y: x * y
def calculate(expr):
numxChars = ""
operation = None
technillogue /
Created June 28, 2013 18:53
A more complicated recursive python calculator
from collections import OrderedDict
#reverse order of operations
#I didn't have to use an OrderedDict, but it's cute
operations = OrderedDict([
("+", lambda x, y: x + y),
("-", lambda x, y: x - y),
("/", lambda x, y: x / y),
("*", lambda x, y: x * y),
("^", lambda x, y: x ^ y)
import timing
import zipfile
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import glob
import shutil
import MySQLdb
import sys
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uiserver):u52281162:~/logs > ls
access.log.26.gz access.log.33.5.gz dav.log.29.gz ftp.xferlog.32.gz mail.log.30.gz
access.log.27.gz access.log.33.6.gz dav.log.31.gz info.php mail.log.31.gz
access.log.28.gz access.log.33.7.gz dav.log.33.4.gz info.php5 mail.log.32.gz
access.log.29.gz access.log.34.1.gz ftp.log.26.gz mail.log.33.gz
access.log.30.gz access.log.34.2.gz ftp.log.27.gz sftp.log
access.log.31.gz access.log.34.3.gz ftp.log.29.gz last_traffic traffic.db
access.log.32.gz access.log.34.4.gz ftp.log.30.gz mail.log traffic.html
access.log.33.1.gz access.log.34.5.gz ftp.log.31.gz mail.log.26.gz
access.log.33.2.gz access.log.34.6.gz ftp.log.32.gz mail.log.27.gz