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Matt Buck techpeace

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#upload_target {
display:none ! important;
div.bottom {
padding:0px ! important;
margin:0px ! important;
background-image: none ! important;
display:none ! important;
module Thin
# To be included in classes to allow some basic logging
# that can be silenced (<tt>Logging.silent=</tt>) or made
# more verbose.
# <tt>Logging.debug=</tt>: log all error backtrace and messages
# logged with +debug+.
# <tt>Logging.trace=</tt>: log all raw request and response and
# messages logged with +trace+.
module Logging
class << self
require 'aws/s3'
require 'erb'
namespace :heroku do
def latest_bundle_name(app)
%x{ heroku bundles #{app_option(app)}| cut -f 1 -d ' ' }.chomp
def app_option(app)
# Method to assist in finding out what group a user is in
def in_group?(group_name)
<h1>New product</h1>
Are you creating a new Product object in this action? Try this:
<%= @product.inspect %>
If nothing shows up, then you need a <pre></pre> in this controller action.
<% form_for(@product) do |f| %>
<%= f.error_messages %>
techpeace / gist:180579
Created September 3, 2009 22:24 — forked from mtodd/gist:180398
Surround a heredoc with quotes and you can continue the code on the same line:
render :status => 404, :text => <<-'EOH' and return unless setup
article not found<br/>
I, as a server, have failed<br/>
Quotes also give you more freedom/creativity with the terminal ID:
Surround a heredoc with quotes and you can continue the code on the same line:
render :status => 404, :text => <<-'EOH' and return unless setup
article not found<br/>
I, as a server, have failed<br/>
desc "Alias for yarddoc task - rake yard is funnier"
task :yard do
Feature: author manages posts

As an author

I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog

So that my audience can read my content


Given I am logged in as the following active author account:

| Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number |

| John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |