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tedder / Questions
Created July 11, 2011 20:41
Magma Rails Give-away
Day Job:
Open Source contribution (if any):
Tell me about your experience with Ruby/Rails:
How do you use GitHub:
Favorite luchador(es):
dependent variable: acachesize
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
aepochtime 1 5.3833e+08 5.3833e+08 140.0642 < 2.2e-16 ***
adrops 1 1.2991e+05 1.2991e+05 0.0338 0.854140
amemory 1 1.3598e+10 1.3598e+10 3538.0387 < 2.2e-16 ***
aepochtime:adrops 1 6.7696e+07 6.7696e+07 17.6133 2.76e-05 ***
aepochtime:amemory 1 2.9061e+07 2.9061e+07 7.5612 0.005988 **
adrops:amemory 1 1.9934e+07 1.9934e+07 5.1865 0.022811 *
aepochtime:adrops:amemory 1 2.7078e+07 2.7078e+07 7.0452 0.007977 **
tedder /
Created January 26, 2012 18:36
smugmug uploader script, from the (dead site)
which curl > /dev/null
test $? -gt 0 && echo "Curl is not on the path" && exit 1
test -f ~/.smugup && source ~/.smugup
UA=" ("
From New Scientist, but subscription only, so providing here:
Self-controlled people have better lives – but for the rest, lack of willpower is more like physical fatigue than moral failure
AS THE last of your New Year's resolutions unravels in front of your eyes, you probably feel like a moral pygmy. But before you sink into a heap of self-loathing, consider this.
After decades of research, psychologists now reckon two traits are most likely to make us successful. The first is intelligence, with smart people doing better at all jobs. Unluckily, there is little evidence that you can make lasting improvements to intelligence.
import boto
s3 = boto.connect_s3("key", "secret")
for bucket in s3.get_all_buckets():
if not
print "-- skipping bucket, cannot handle uppercase bucket names: " +
for file in bucket:
print "\t\t" + str(file.size) + "\t" +
package net.inervo;
import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException;
{"0": 1, "640": 1, "130": 58, "260": 67, "390": 27, "520": 2, "10": 3, "140": 70, "270": 56, "400": 17, "530": 8, "20": 20, "150": 66, "280": 63, "410": 13, "540": 2, "30": 20, "160": 64, "290": 50, "420": 18, "550": 2, "40": 33, "170": 75, "300": 38, "430": 13, "560": 2, "50": 25, "180": 73, "310": 45, "440": 17, "570": 3, "60": 18, "190": 72, "320": 30, "450": 6, "580": 1, "70": 49, "200": 59, "330": 42, "460": 9, "590": 2, "80": 59, "210": 63, "340": 20, "470": 10, "600": 1, "90": 49, "220": 55, "350": 31, "480": 9, "100": 55, "230": 67, "360": 26, "490": 9, "620": 1, "110": 62, "240": 69, "370": 23, "500": 11, "120": 65, "250": 50, "380": 19, "510": 5}
tedder / gist:4366001
Created December 23, 2012 20:48
ascii histogram
0 *
10 ***
20 ********************
30 ********************
40 *********************************
50 *************************
60 ******************
70 *************************************************
80 ***********************************************************
90 *************************************************
tedder / gist:8203137
Created December 31, 2013 23:00
mlkshk top images of 2013 html generatomagic script
import requests
hotlist = requests.get('').text
count = 0
for line in hotlist.splitlines():
share_key, created, like_count, username = line.split("\t")
count += 1
if share_key == 'share_key': continue
print """
<div class="theimage"><a href=""><img src="" border=0 width="500"></a>
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am tedder on github.
* I am tedder42 ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is F7B5 7051 77AD F15D 39E0 BE29 CF4D 3C41 DAEF 5557
To claim this, I am signing this object: