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Clinton teegarcs

  • CapTech Ventures
  • Washington, D.C.
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* Contract that extends ActivityResultContract to implement a
* custom intent creation and handling of the results from that
* intent.
class MessageContract : ActivityResultContract<Unit, String>() {
* Create an intent to start MessageActivity. If you were
* providing a starting point you would pass that text here.
private val multiPermissionCallback =
registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.RequestMultiplePermissions()) { map ->
//handle individual results if desired
map.entries.forEach { entry ->
when (entry.key) {
Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION ->
mBinding.iconLocationPermission.isEnabled = entry.value
Manifest.permission.CAMERA ->
mBinding.iconCameraPermission.isEnabled = entry.value
Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO ->
//register result contract - takes in a URI for where to store the image and returns a success boolean
private val takePictureCallback =
registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.TakePicture()) { successful ->
if (successful) {
//load image from provided URI
} else {
//show user an error
fun View.addKeyboardInsetListener(keyboardCallback: (visible: Boolean) -> Unit) {
doOnLayout {
//get init state of keyboard
var keyboardVisible = rootWindowInsets?.isVisible(WindowInsets.Type.ime()) == true
//callback as soon as the layout is set with whether the keyboard is open or not
//whenever there is an inset change on the App, check if the keyboard is visible.
//hide the status bars
//show the IME
//only required if using the KeyboardInsetListener
//only receives callbacks when the inset affects my window.
class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _keyboardActive = MutableLiveData<Int>()
val keyboardActive: LiveData<Int> = _keyboardActive
//callback to be provided to extension function for keyboard changes
val keyboardCallback: (visible: Boolean) -> Unit = {
_keyboardActive.value = if (it) {
} else {
fun View.addKeyboardListener(keyboardCallback: (visible: Boolean) -> Unit) {
doOnLayout {
//get init state of keyboard
var keyboardVisible = rootWindowInsets?.isVisible(WindowInsets.Type.ime()) == true
//callback as soon as the layout is set with whether the keyboard is open or not
//whenever the layout resizes/changes, callback with the state of the keyboard.
fun testLaunchActivityEventSample() {
var eventReceived: ActivityEvent? = null
val observer = Observer<NavEvent> {
eventReceived = it as ActivityEvent
//Observe forever since we don't have a lifecycle
//Mock the Bundle Creation