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Teejay VanSlyke teejayvanslyke

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handleChange(event) {
this.setState({ message: }, () => {
class MyForm extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { message: "Hello, World" };
render() {
const input = React.createElement('input', {
type: 'text',
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var suits = ["Hearts", "Spades", "Clubs", "Diamonds"];
var faces = ["Ace", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King"];
var cards = []
for (var s=0; s<suits.length; s++) {
for (var f=0; f<faces.length; f++) {
cards.push({suit: suits[s], face: faces[f]});
var suit = ["Hearts", "Spades", "Clubs", "Diamonds"]; // Create the suit array
var face = ["Ace", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", // Creat face array
"8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King"];
$('a[data-mixpanel-tracker]').click ->
setTimeout (=> window.location.href = $(@).attr('href')), 300
tracker = $(@).attr('data-mixpanel-tracker')
properties = JSON.parse($(@).attr('data-mixpanel-properties') || '{}')
mixpanel.track tracker, properties
return false
teejayvanslyke /
Created March 21, 2012 20:26
Jasmine matcher for Backbone.Event expectations
# Usage:
# @model.doSomething = ->
# @other_model.trigger('something_done', 'somearg')
# expect(=> @model.doSomething()).toTrigger('something_done', on: @other_model, with: [ 'somearg' ])
beforeEach ->
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[20192, 24060, 20758, 21904, 1548, 24285, 20202, 23260, 2111, 24166, 20344, 21269, 22157, 20887, 23735, 23016, 22138, 22869, 23699, 21398, 22203, 20805, 21338, 22110, 23043, 24115, 23388, 20332, 1624, 1523, 24250, 21325, 20381, 1258, 21115, 20752, 21135, 22373, 2020, 23846, 20867, 21672, 21818, 23675, 1854, 20388, 1556, 853, 23313, 1378, 23495, 20333, 24045, 20711, 20795, 22530, 22109, 20397, 24255, 22815, 21160, 1688, 20015, 2097, 20281, 21027, 23725, 22616, 22407, 23907, 23954, 20580, 1903, 21017, 1714, 22251, 21708, 21710, 22229, 20204, 22282, 1660, 23230, 22429, 22895, 23179, 20343, 23383, 1288, 22494, 1776, 20982, 22186, 23196, 21258, 1622, 21172, 22805, 20476, 24286, 21652, 1470, 22271, 20839, 23860, 21615, 805, 21204, 22148, 21670, 23136, 20207, 20767, 23109, 21254, 20985, 24208, 23653, 20654, 23037, 21622, 22248, 23899, 20541, 22491, 1798, 20843, 1477, 20937, 1584, 21187, 1184, 22310, 22082, 22227, 23969, 23272, 21567, 22412, 22260, 20932, 22255, 1227, 21501, 22931, 24071, 1606, 21089, 23910, 1293, 21
require 'csv'
path = 'db/registered_students_fall_2010.csv'
row_index = 0
created_after_9_1 = YAML::load_file('db/created_after_9_1.yml')
p created_after_9_1.size
results = []