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Jul 28 15:56:24 puppet puppet-master[27319]: host.domain has a waiting certificate request
Jul 28 15:56:24 puppet puppet-master[27319]: Signed certificate request for host.domain
Jul 28 15:56:24 puppet puppet-master[27319]: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest xxxx at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/host.domain.pem'
Jul 28 15:56:24 puppet puppet-master[27319]: Could not resolve no name for
Jul 28 15:56:24 puppet puppet-master[27319]: xxxx has a waiting certificate request
Jul 28 15:56:24 puppet puppet-master[27319]: Signed certificate request for xxxx
Jul 28 15:56:24 puppet puppet-master[27319]: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest xxxx at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/xxxx.pem'
Jul 28 15:56:24 puppet puppet-master[27319]: Could not resolve no name for
function enable-privilege {
## The privilege to adjust. This set is taken from
"SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege", "SeAuditPrivilege", "SeBackupPrivilege",
"SeChangeNotifyPrivilege", "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege", "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege",
"SeCreatePermanentPrivilege", "SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege", "SeCreateTokenPrivilege",
"SeDebugPrivilege", "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege", "SeImpersonatePrivilege", "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege",
"SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege", "SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege", "SeLoadDriverPrivilege",
C:\Users\Administrator>qaucli -iscsi -dv
Using config file: C:\Program Files\QLogic Corporation\QConvergeConsoleCLI\qaucli.cfg
Installation directory: C:\Program Files\QLogic Corporation\QConvergeConsoleCLI
Working dir: C:\Users\Administrator
Using config file: C:\Program Files\QLogic Corporation\QConvergeConsoleCLI\iscli.cfg
Loading iSCSI Data ...
Loading iSCSI Instance: 1 HBA: 1 Physical Port: 2 (QLE4062C, 00-C0-DD-25-C0-4B) ...
Loading iSCSI Instance: 2 HBA: 1 Physical Port: 1 (QLE4062C, 00-C0-DD-25-C0-49) ... (STOR wx64)
["Using config file: C:\\Program Files\\QLogic Corporation\\QConvergeConsoleCLI\\qaucli.cfg\n", "Using config file: C:\\Program Files\\QLogic Corporation\\QConvergeConsoleC
LI\\iscli.cfg\n", "Loading iSCSI Data ...\n", "Loading iSCSI Instance: 1 HBA: 1 Physical Port: 2 (QLE4062C, 00-C0-DD-25-C0-4B) ...\n", "Loading iSCSI Instance: 2 HBA: 1 Physic
al Port: 1 (QLE4062C, 00-C0-DD-25-C0-49) ...\n", " (STOR wx64)\n", "Installation directory: C:\\Program Files\\QLogic Corporation\\QConvergeConsoleCLI\n", "Working dir
: C:\\Users\\Administrator"]
newdrivers = Facter::Core::Execution.exec("qaucli -iscsi -dv") {|v| v=~ /([0-9][\.][0-9][\.][0-9][\.][0-9]{1,})/}
[" (STOR wx64)\n"]
puts "Querying Model Information"
models = Facter::Core::Execution.exec('qaucli -i | find "HBA Model"') #command runs globally so it pulls from all ports
models.each_line.each_with_index do |line, index| #each_line do the next thing for each line in the return - each_with_index, keep track of the indexes starting at 0 for each line do the next thing with |line, index|
newmodels = Facter::Core::Execution.exec("qaucli -i #{index} | find \"HBA Model\"").split(':').last.strip #new variable, pass #{index} to it to run on a port level 0,1,2,3etc then strip anything after the :
Facter.add("qlogicmodel#{index}") do #create a new fact with a name of qlogicmodels + our #{index}
confine :kernel => :windows
setcode do
newmodels #set the value of the fact to what newmodels is
# Handles HBA driver/firmware/bios updates
class { 'hba_qlogic_fc':
qlfcdriver_firwmare => '',
qlfcdriverexpected => '',
qlfcfirmwareexpected => '7.04.00',
qlfcbiosexpected => '3.27',
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid parameter qlfcdriver_firwmare on Class[Hba_qlogic_fc] at /etc/puppet/environments/test/modul
# Installs Enterprise Manager
class em_client (
$version = 'undef') {
if ($version == undef) {
fail('version parameter must be set')
} else {
# Copies Enterprise Manager msi over
file { "C:\\ProgramData\\PuppetLabs\\Enterprise Manager Client Setup.exe":
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///extra_files/enterprise_manager/Enterprise Manager Client Setup.exe'
# Determines the configuration for managed nodes running Windows.
class windows (
$qcccurrentversion = '') {
# Copies QConverge CLI
file { 'sansurfer copy':
ensure => present,
path => "C:\\ProgramData\\PuppetLabs\\QConvergeConsoleCLI-1.1.03-49_win_x64.msi",
source => "puppet:///extra_files/hba/QConvergeConsoleCLI-1.1.03-49_win_x64.msi",
# Adds Qlogic card facts
require 'facter'
if Facter::Core::Execution.exec('where qaucli').empty?
setcode do 'not_present'
#Adds model#
models = Facter::Core::Execution.exec('qaucli -i | find "HBA Model"') #command runs globally so it pulls from all ports
models.each_line.each_with_index do |line, index| #each_line do the next thing for each line in the return - each_with_index, keep track of the indexes starting at 0 for each line do the next thing with |line, index|
newmodels = Facter::Core::Execution.exec("qaucli -i #{index} | find \"HBA Model\"").split(':').last.strip #new variable, pass #{index} to it to run on a port level 0,1,2,3etc then strip anything after the :