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use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/a' => sub {
my $self = shift;
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
if $self->ssl_auth( sub {
return 1 if shift->peer_certificate('commonName') eq 'whatever'
} );
if $self->params_auth( userinput => passinput => captchainput =>
sub { return 1 if "@_" eq 'username password 58ehda3' }
if $self->basic_auth(
realm => sub { return 1 if "@_" eq 'username password' }
->res->dom->find('h3.r a')
->each( sub { print shift->all_text . "\n" } );
my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new;
<h1 id="hope">A new hope</h1>
<p>A neat article about Mojolicious</p>
print $dom->at('#hope')->text;
curl -L | perl - Mojolicious
my $t = Test::Mojo->new( app => 'MyApp' );
->content_like(qr/some text/)