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<h2>Purchase Order Item form</h2>
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<div className="col-md-6">
<div className="form-group">
<input type="text" className="form-control" placeholder="Enter Title" name="Title" />
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<h2>Card Image</h2>
<p>Image at the top (card-img-top):</p>
<div className="card">
<img className="card-img-top" src="" alt="Card image" />
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<h4 className="card-title">John Doe</h4>
<p className="card-text">Some example text some example text. John Doe is an architect and engineer</p>
<a href="#" className="btn btn-primary">See Profile</a>
tesfayegari / spservices-startworkflow.js
Created July 30, 2019 14:59 — forked from Aymkdn/spservices-startworkflow.js
Start a workflow with Sharepoint (JavaScript)
* Start a workflow
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} params.listName The name of the list
* @param {Number} params.itemID The item ID
* @param {String} params.workflowName The name of the workflow
* @param {Array|Object} [params.parameters] An array of object with {Name:"Name of the parameter", Value:"Value of the parameter"}
* @param {Function} [params.after] Callback after the request is done
Add the following to the config.json Example below is using bootstrap 3.x but you can use any version
"externals": {
"jquery": {
"path": "",
"globalName": "jquery"
"bootstrap": {
"path": "",
"globalName": "bootstrap",
private readItems() {
return this.props.spHttpClient.get(`${this.props.siteUrl}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('${this.props.listName}')/items?$select=Title,Id`,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json;odata=nometadata',
'odata-version': ''
.then((response: SPHttpClientResponse): Promise<{ value: IListItem[] }> => {
<h2 style="text-align:center">User Profile Card</h2>
<div class="card">
<img src="/w3images/team2.jpg" alt="John" style="width:100%">
<h1>John Doe</h1>
<p class="title">CEO & Founder, Example</p>
<p>Harvard University</p>
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