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testgithubd /
Last active March 8, 2019 07:22
Extensions for VS Code

Extensions I use

  1. Auto Import
  2. Beautify
  3. Better Comments
  4. Bracket Pair Colorizer
  5. C#
  6. CodeMetrics
  7. Debugger for Chrome
  8. ESLint
  9. Format Files
testgithubd /
Last active March 5, 2019 22:51
Switch node version

Switching node to windows

1. Go here and click Download Now to get nvm installer for windows
2. Close all command consoles
3. Run installer to install nvm
4. Start console and type nvm list to show the current list of node versions installed
5. Install 8.15.0 by running nvm install <version> if you don’t have this specific version
6. Run nvm use <version> to switch to that node version
7. To confirm run nvm list. The version with an asterisk is your current version You can always use node -v :-)