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Last active July 25, 2017 22:01
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Deriving where
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int32)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
data Replay = Replay
{ replayHeader :: Section Header
, replayContent :: Section Content
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Section body = Section
{ sectionSize :: Word32
, sectionCrc :: Word32
, sectionBody :: body
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Header = Header
{ headerMajorVersion :: Word32
, headerMinorVersion :: Word32
, headerLabel :: String
, headerProperties :: Dictionary Property
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Dictionary value = Dictionary
{ dictionaryElements :: [(String, value)]
, dictionaryLastKey :: String
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Property = Property
{ propertyKind :: String
, propertySize :: Word64
, propertyValue :: PropertyValue Property
} deriving (CLASSES)
data PropertyValue value
= ArrayPropertyValue [Dictionary value]
| BoolPropertyValue Word8
| BytePropertyValue String (Maybe String)
| FloatPropertyValue Float
| IntPropertyValue Int32
| NamePropertyValue String
| QWordPropertyValue Word64
| StrPropertyValue String
deriving (CLASSES)
data Content = Content
{ contentLevels :: [String]
, contentKeyFrames :: [KeyFrame]
, contentStreamSize :: Word32
, contentFrames :: [Frame]
, contentMessages :: [Message]
, contentMarks :: [Mark]
, contentPackages :: [String]
, contentObjects :: [String]
, contentNames :: [String]
, contentClassMappings :: [ClassMapping]
, contentCaches :: [Cache]
} deriving (CLASSES)
data KeyFrame = KeyFrame
{ keyFrameTime :: Float
, keyFrameFrame :: Word32
, keyFramePosition :: Word32
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Frame = Frame
{ frameTime :: Float
, frameDelta :: Float
, frameReplications :: [Replication]
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Replication = Replication
{ replicationActorId :: CompressedWord
, replicationValue :: ReplicationValue
} deriving (CLASSES)
data CompressedWord = CompressedWord
{ compressedWordLimit :: Word
, compressedWordValue :: Word
} deriving (CLASSES)
data ReplicationValue
= SpawnedReplicationValue SpawnedReplication
| UpdatedReplicationValue UpdatedReplication
| DestroyedReplicationValue DestroyedReplication
deriving (CLASSES)
data SpawnedReplication = SpawnedReplication
{ spawnedReplicationFlag :: Bool
, spawnedReplicationNameIndex :: Maybe Word32
, spawnedReplicationName :: Maybe String
, spawnedReplicationObjectId :: Word32
, spawnedReplicationObjectName :: String
, spawnedReplicationClassName :: String
, spawnedReplicationInitialization :: Initialization
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Initialization = Initialization
{ initializationLocation :: Maybe (Vector CompressedWord)
, initializationRotation :: Maybe (Vector Int8)
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Vector value = Vector
{ vectorX :: value
, vectorY :: value
, vectorZ :: value
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype UpdatedReplication = UpdatedReplication
{ updatedReplicationAttributes :: [Attribute]
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Attribute = Attribute
{ attributeId :: CompressedWord
, attributeValue :: AttributeValue
} deriving (CLASSES)
data AttributeValue
= AppliedDamageAttributeValue AppliedDamageAttribute
| BooleanAttributeValue BooleanAttribute
| ByteAttributeValue ByteAttribute
| CamSettingsAttributeValue CamSettingsAttribute
| ClubColorsAttributeValue ClubColorsAttribute
| DamageStateAttributeValue DamageStateAttribute
| DemolishAttributeValue DemolishAttribute
| EnumAttributeValue EnumAttribute
| ExplosionAttributeValue ExplosionAttribute
| FlaggedIntAttributeValue FlaggedIntAttribute
| FloatAttributeValue FloatAttribute
| GameModeAttributeValue GameModeAttribute
| IntAttributeValue IntAttribute
| LoadoutAttributeValue LoadoutAttribute
| LoadoutOnlineAttributeValue LoadoutOnlineAttribute
| LoadoutsAttributeValue LoadoutsAttribute
| LoadoutsOnlineAttributeValue LoadoutsOnlineAttribute
| LocationAttributeValue LocationAttribute
| MusicStingerAttributeValue MusicStingerAttribute
| PartyLeaderAttributeValue PartyLeaderAttribute
| PickupAttributeValue PickupAttribute
| PrivateMatchSettingsAttributeValue PrivateMatchSettingsAttribute
| QWordAttributeValue QWordAttribute
| ReservationAttributeValue ReservationAttribute
| RigidBodyStateAttributeValue RigidBodyStateAttribute
| StringAttributeValue StringAttribute
| TeamPaintAttributeValue TeamPaintAttribute
| UniqueIdAttributeValue UniqueIdAttribute
| WeldedInfoAttributeValue WeldedInfoAttribute
deriving (CLASSES)
data AppliedDamageAttribute = AppliedDamageAttribute
{ appliedDamageAttributeUnknown1 :: Word8
, appliedDamageAttributeLocation :: Vector CompressedWord
, appliedDamageAttributeUnknown3 :: Int32
, appliedDamageAttributeUnknown4 :: Int32
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype BooleanAttribute = BooleanAttribute
{ booleanAttributeValue :: Bool
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype ByteAttribute = ByteAttribute
{ byteAttributeValue :: Word8
} deriving (CLASSES)
data CamSettingsAttribute = CamSettingsAttribute
{ camSettingsAttributeFov :: Float
, camSettingsAttributeHeight :: Float
, camSettingsAttributeAngle :: Float
, camSettingsAttributeDistance :: Float
, camSettingsAttributeStiffness :: Float
, camSettingsAttributeSwivelSpeed :: Float
} deriving (CLASSES)
data ClubColorsAttribute = ClubColorsAttribute
{ clubColorsAttributeBlueFlag :: Bool
, clubColorsAttributeBlueColor :: Word8
, clubColorsAttributeOrangeFlag :: Bool
, clubColorsAttributeOrangeColor :: Word8
} deriving (CLASSES)
data DamageStateAttribute = DamageStateAttribute
{ damageStateAttributeUnknown1 :: Word8
, damageStateAttributeUnknown2 :: Bool
, damageStateAttributeUnknown3 :: Int32
, damageStateAttributeUnknown4 :: Vector CompressedWord
, damageStateAttributeUnknown5 :: Bool
, damageStateAttributeUnknown6 :: Bool
} deriving (CLASSES)
data DemolishAttribute = DemolishAttribute
{ demolishAttributeAttackerFlag :: Bool
, demolishAttributeAttackerActorId :: Word32
, demolishAttributeVictimFlag :: Bool
, demolishAttributeVictimActorId :: Word32
, demolishAttributeAttackerVelocity :: Vector CompressedWord
, demolishAttributeVictimVelocity :: Vector CompressedWord
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype EnumAttribute = EnumAttribute
{ enumAttributeValue :: Word16
} deriving (CLASSES)
data ExplosionAttribute = ExplosionAttribute
{ explosionAttributeActorId :: Int32
, explosionAttributeLocation :: Vector CompressedWord
} deriving (CLASSES)
data FlaggedIntAttribute = FlaggedIntAttribute
{ flaggedIntAttributeFlag :: Bool
, flaggedIntAttributeInt :: Int32
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype FloatAttribute = FloatAttribute
{ floatAttributeValue :: Float
} deriving (CLASSES)
data GameModeAttribute = GameModeAttribute
{ gameModeAttributeNumBits :: Int
, gameModeAttributeWord :: Word8
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype IntAttribute = IntAttribute
{ intAttributeValue :: Int32
} deriving (CLASSES)
data LoadoutAttribute = LoadoutAttribute
{ loadoutAttributeVersion :: Word8
, loadoutAttributeBody :: Word32
, loadoutAttributeDecal :: Word32
, loadoutAttributeWheels :: Word32
, loadoutAttributeRocketTrail :: Word32
, loadoutAttributeAntenna :: Word32
, loadoutAttributeTopper :: Word32
, loadoutAttributeUnknown1 :: Word32
, loadoutAttributeUnknown2 :: Maybe Word32
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype LoadoutOnlineAttribute = LoadoutOnlineAttribute
{ loadoutAttributeValue :: [[(Word32, CompressedWord)]]
} deriving (CLASSES)
data LoadoutsAttribute = LoadoutsAttribute
{ loadoutsAttributeBlue :: LoadoutAttribute
, loadoutsAttributeOrange :: LoadoutAttribute
} deriving (CLASSES)
data LoadoutsOnlineAttribute = LoadoutsOnlineAttribute
{ loadoutsOnlineAttributeBlue :: LoadoutOnlineAttribute
, loadoutsOnlineAttributeOrange :: LoadoutOnlineAttribute
, loadoutsOnlineAttributeUnknown1 :: Bool
, loadoutsOnlineAttributeUnknown2 :: Bool
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype LocationAttribute = LocationAttribute
{ locationAttributeValue :: Vector CompressedWord
} deriving (CLASSES)
data MusicStingerAttribute = MusicStingerAttribute
{ musicStingerAttributeFlag :: Bool
, musicStingerAttributeCue :: Word32
, musicStingerAttributeTrigger :: Word8
} deriving (CLASSES)
data PartyLeaderAttribute = PartyLeaderAttribute
{ partyLeaderAttributeSystemId :: Word8
, partyLeaderAttributeId :: Maybe (RemoteId, Word8)
} deriving (CLASSES)
data RemoteId
= PlayStationId String [Word8]
| SplitscreenId Word32
| SteamId Word64
| XboxId Word64
deriving (CLASSES)
data PickupAttribute = PickupAttribute
{ pickupAttributeInstigatorId :: Maybe Word32
, pickupAttributePickedUp :: Bool
} deriving (CLASSES)
data PrivateMatchSettingsAttribute = PrivateMatchSettingsAttribute
{ privateMatchSettingsAttributeMutators :: String
, privateMatchSettingsAttributeJoinableBy :: Word32
, privateMatchSettingsAttributeMaxPlayers :: Word32
, privateMatchSettingsAttributeGameName :: String
, privateMatchSettingsAttributePassword :: String
, privateMatchSettingsAttributeFlag :: Bool
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype QWordAttribute = QWordAttribute
{ qWordAttributeValue :: Word64
} deriving (CLASSES)
data ReservationAttribute = ReservationAttribute
{ reservationAttributeNumber :: CompressedWord
, reservationAttributeUniqueId :: UniqueIdAttribute
, reservationAttributeName :: Maybe String
, reservationAttributeUnknown1 :: Bool
, reservationAttributeUnknown2 :: Bool
, reservationAttributeUnknown3 :: Maybe Word8
} deriving (CLASSES)
data RigidBodyStateAttribute = RigidBodyStateAttribute
{ rigidBodyStateAttributeSleeping :: Bool
, rigidBodyStateAttributeLocation :: Vector CompressedWord
, rigidBodyStateAttributeRotation :: Vector CompressedWord
, rigidBodyStateAttributeLinearVelocity :: Maybe (Vector CompressedWord)
, rigidBodyStateAttributeAngularVelocity :: Maybe (Vector CompressedWord)
} deriving (CLASSES)
newtype StringAttribute = StringAttribute
{ stringAttributeValue :: String
} deriving (CLASSES)
data TeamPaintAttribute = TeamPaintAttribute
{ teamPaintAttributeTeam :: Word8
, teamPaintAttributePrimaryColor :: Word8
, teamPaintAttributeAccentColor :: Word8
, teamPaintAttributePrimaryFinish :: Word32
, teamPaintAttributeAccentFinish :: Word32
} deriving (CLASSES)
data UniqueIdAttribute = UniqueIdAttribute
{ uniqueIdAttributeSystemId :: Word8
, uniqueIdAttributeRemoteId :: RemoteId
, uniqueIdAttributeLocalId :: Word8
} deriving (CLASSES)
data WeldedInfoAttribute = WeldedInfoAttribute
{ weldedInfoAttributeActive :: Bool
, weldedInfoAttributeActorId :: Int32
, weldedInfoAttributeOffset :: Vector CompressedWord
, weldedInfoAttributeMass :: Float
, weldedInfoAttributeRotation :: Vector Int8
} deriving (CLASSES)
data DestroyedReplication = DestroyedReplication
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Message = Message
{ messageFrame :: Word32
, messageName :: String
, messageValue :: String
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Mark = Mark
{ markValue :: String
, markFrame :: Word32
} deriving (CLASSES)
data ClassMapping = ClassMapping
{ classMappingName :: String
, classMappingStreamId :: Word32
} deriving (CLASSES)
data Cache = Cache
{ cacheClassId :: Word32
, cacheParentCacheId :: Word32
, cacheCacheId :: Word32
, cacheAttributeMappings :: [AttributeMapping]
} deriving (CLASSES)
data AttributeMapping = AttributeMapping
{ attributeMappingObjectId :: Word32
, attributeMappingStreamId :: Word32
} deriving (CLASSES)
from ubuntu:17.04
run apt-get update
run apt-get install --assume-yes software-properties-common
run add-apt-repository ppa:hvr/ghc
run apt-get update
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-8.2.1
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-8.0.2
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-8.0.1
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.10.3
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.10.2
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.10.1
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.8.4
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.8.3
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.8.2
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.8.1
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.6.3
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.6.2
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.6.1
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.4.2
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.4.1
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.2.2
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.2.1
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.0.4
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.0.3
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.0.2
run apt-get install --assume-yes ghc-7.0.1
env PATH /opt/ghc/bin:$PATH
env LC_ALL C.UTF-8
run apt-get install --assume-yes cabal-install-2.0
env PATH /opt/cabal/bin:$PATH
run cabal-2.0 update
run cabal-2.0 install bench-1.0.5
env PATH /root/.cabal/bin:$PATH
workdir /root/project
copy Deriving.hs /root/project
volume /root/project/data
copy template.html /root/project
cmd bench \
--csv data/report.csv \
--json data/report.json \
--output data/report.html \
--raw data/report.raw \
--template ./template.html \
'ghc-8.2.1 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.2 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.1 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.3 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.2 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.1 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.4 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.3 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.2 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.1 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.3 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.2 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.1 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.2 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.1 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.2 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.1 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.4 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.3 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.2 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.1 -DCLASSES= -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.2.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.3 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.4 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.3 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.3 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.4 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.3 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.2.1 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.2 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.1 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.3 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.2 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.1 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.4 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.3 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.2 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.1 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.3 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.2 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.1 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.2 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.1 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.2 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.1 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.4 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.3 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.2 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.1 -DCLASSES=Eq -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.2.1 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.2 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.1 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.3 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.2 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.1 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.4 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.3 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.2 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.1 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.3 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.2 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.1 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.2 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.1 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.2 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.1 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.4 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.3 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.2 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.1 -DCLASSES=Eq,Ord -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.2.1 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.2 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.1 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.3 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.2 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.1 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.4 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.3 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.2 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.1 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.3 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.2 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.1 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.2 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.1 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.2 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.1 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.4 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.3 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.2 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.1 -DCLASSES=Read -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.2.1 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.2 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.1 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.3 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.2 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.1 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.4 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.3 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.2 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.1 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.3 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.2 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.1 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.2 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.1 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.2 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.1 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.4 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.3 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.2 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.1 -DCLASSES=Show -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.2.1 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.2 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.1 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.3 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.2 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.1 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.4 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.3 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.2 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.1 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.3 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.2 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.1 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.2 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.1 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.2 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.1 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.4 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.3 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.2 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.1 -DCLASSES=Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.2.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-8.0.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.3 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.10.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.4 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.3 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.8.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.3 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.6.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.4.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.2.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.4 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.3 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.2 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
'ghc-7.0.1 -DCLASSES=Data,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable -fforce-recomp Deriving.hs' \
| tee data/report.txt
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -o errexit -o xtrace
time docker build --tag deriving .
mkdir -p data
time docker run --interactive --rm --tty --volume "$(pwd)/data:/root/project/data" deriving
xdg-open data/report.html
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<h1>criterion performance measurements</h1>
<p><a href="#grokularation">want to understand this report?</a></p>
<div id="overview" class="ovchart" style="width:900px;height:100px;"></div>
<h2><a name="b{{number}}">{{name}}</a></h2>
<table width="100%">
<td><div id="kde{{number}}" class="kdechart"
<td><div id="time{{number}}" class="timechart"
<td><div id="cycle{{number}}" class="cyclechart"
<thead class="analysis">
<th class="cibound"
title="{{anMean.estConfidenceLevel}} confidence level">lower bound</th>
<th class="cibound"
title="{{anMean.estConfidenceLevel}} confidence level">upper bound</th>
<td>OLS regression</td>
<td><span class="confinterval olstimelb{{number}}">xxx</span></td>
<td><span class="olstimept{{number}}">xxx</span></td>
<td><span class="confinterval olstimeub{{number}}">xxx</span></td>
<td>R&#xb2; goodness-of-fit</td>
<td><span class="confinterval olsr2lb{{number}}">xxx</span></td>
<td><span class="olsr2pt{{number}}">xxx</span></td>
<td><span class="confinterval olsr2ub{{number}}">xxx</span></td>
<td>Mean execution time</td>
<td><span class="confinterval citime">{{anMean.estError.confIntLDX}}</span></td>
<td><span class="time">{{anMean.estPoint}}</span></td>
<td><span class="confinterval citime">{{anMean.estError.confIntUDX}}</span></td>
<td>Standard deviation</td>
<td><span class="confinterval citime">{{anStdDev.estError.confIntLDX}}</span></td>
<td><span class="time">{{anStdDev.estPoint}}</span></td>
<td><span class="confinterval citime">{{anStdDev.estError.confIntUDX}}</span></td>
<span class="outliers">
<p>Outlying measurements have {{anOutlierVar.ovDesc}}
(<span class="percent">{{anOutlierVar.ovFraction}}</span>%)
effect on estimated standard deviation.</p>
<h2><a name="grokularation">understanding this report</a></h2>
<p>In this report, each function benchmarked by criterion is assigned
a section of its own. The charts in each section are active; if
you hover your mouse over data points and annotations, you will see
more details.</p>
<li>The chart on the left is a
<a href="">kernel
density estimate</a> (also known as a KDE) of time
measurements. This graphs the probability of any given time
measurement occurring. A spike indicates that a measurement of a
particular time occurred; its height indicates how often that
measurement was repeated.</li>
<li>The chart on the right is the raw data from which the kernel
density estimate is built. The <i>x</i> axis indicates the
number of loop iterations, while the <i>y</i> axis shows measured
execution time for the given number of loop iterations. The
line behind the values is the linear regression prediction of
execution time for a given number of iterations. Ideally, all
measurements will be on (or very near) this line.</li>
<p>Under the charts is a small table.
The first two rows are the results of a linear regression run
on the measurements displayed in the right-hand chart.</p>
<li><i>OLS regression</i> indicates the
time estimated for a single loop iteration using an ordinary
least-squares regression model. This number is more accurate
than the <i>mean</i> estimate below it, as it more effectively
eliminates measurement overhead and other constant factors.</li>
<li><i>R&#xb2; goodness-of-fit</i> is a measure of how
accurately the linear regression model fits the observed
measurements. If the measurements are not too noisy, R&#xb2;
should lie between 0.99 and 1, indicating an excellent fit. If
the number is below 0.99, something is confounding the accuracy
of the linear model.</li>
<li><i>Mean execution time</i> and <i>standard deviation</i> are
statistics calculated from execution time
divided by number of iterations.</li>
<p>We use a statistical technique called
the <a href="">bootstrap</a>
to provide confidence intervals on our estimates. The
bootstrap-derived upper and lower bounds on estimates let you see
how accurate we believe those estimates to be. (Hover the mouse
over the table headers to see the confidence levels.)</p>
<p>A noisy benchmarking environment can cause some or many
measurements to fall far from the mean. These outlying
measurements can have a significant inflationary effect on the
estimate of the standard deviation. We calculate and display an
estimate of the extent to which the standard deviation has been
inflated by outliers.</p>
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var idx = rpt.reportKeys.indexOf(key);
return { return r[idx]; });
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var name = rpt.reportName;
var mean = rpt.reportAnalysis.anMean.estPoint;
var iters = measured("iters");
var times = measured("time");
var kdetimes = rpt.reportKDEs[0].kdeValues;
var kdepdf = rpt.reportKDEs[0].kdePDF;
var meanSecs = mean;
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var rgrs = rpt.reportAnalysis.anRegress[0];
var scale = units[0];
var olsTime = rgrs.regCoeffs.iters;
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return $.renderTime(olsTime.estPoint);
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$(".olsr2ub" + number).text(function() {
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} else {
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function(iters,secs) {
return ($.renderTime(secs / scale) + ' / ' +
iters.toLocaleString() + ' iters');
if (0) {
var cyclepairs = new Array(cycles.length);
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cyclepairs[i] = [cycles[i],i];
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function(cycles,axis) { return cycles + ' cycles'; }},
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$.addTooltip("#cycles" + number, function(x,y) { return x + ' cycles'; });
var reports = {{{json}}};;
var benches = [{{#report}}"{{name}}",{{/report}}];
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var name = benches[i].split(/\//);
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prev = name;
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<div id="footer">
<div class="body">
<div class="footfirst">
<p>This report was created using the
<a href="">criterion</a>
benchmark execution and performance analysis tool.</p>
<p>Criterion is developed and maintained
by <a href="">Bryan O'Sullivan</a>.</p>
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