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Last active January 16, 2024 20:52
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Save TfTHacker/c48bca69f1520deed0ecbc8840f6241a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - retrieve your annotations into Obsidian (for templater plugin)
# Hypothes.idian a templater script for retrieving annotations from
Dev: TfTHacker
# Prerequisites:
+ Templater plugin by
+ Free developer token from:
+ This script will prompt you for his token and save it to a file called "hypothesis"
+ This file store your configuration and can be located any where in your vault.
+ Since it contains your unique user token, you should not share this file with others.
# Features:
+ Retrieve your annotations for a web article/web PDF'
+ Retrieve your annotations from a date
+ Open a URL in for annotation
+ Retrieve ALL user annotations for a web article/web PDF
# Output:
+ If an empty document, descriptive front matter is output to beginning of the document, followed by annotations
+ If document already contains text, the annotations are inserted at the current location
# Update Log:
+ 2021-05-04 fix that they config file can be located anywhere
+ 2021-04-26 First alpha version released to testers
const configFileName = 'hypothesis';
let userToken = '';
let userid = '';
const apiUrl = '';
const apiHTTPGet = async (apiCall, data) => {
return await fetch(apiCall, {
"method": "GET", cache: 'no-cache',
"headers": { "Authorization": "Bearer " + userToken }
}).then(async(data)=> await data.json() )
const getAllAnnotations = async (articleUrl)=> {
const searchUrl = `search?limit=200&order=asc&uri=${encodeURIComponent(articleUrl)}`;
const results = await apiHTTPGet(`${apiUrl}${searchUrl}`);
return await apiAnnotationSimplify(results);
const getMyAnnotations = async (articleUrl)=> {
const searchUrl = `search?limit=200&user=${userid}&order=asc&uri=${encodeURIComponent(articleUrl)}`;
const results = await apiHTTPGet(`${apiUrl}${searchUrl}`);
return await apiAnnotationSimplify(results);
const getAnnotationsSinceDate = async (fromDate)=> {
const searchUrl = `search?limit=200&user=${userid}&sort=updated&order=asc&search_after=${encodeURIComponent(fromDate)}`;
const results = await apiHTTPGet(`${apiUrl}${searchUrl}`);
return await apiAnnotationSimplify(results);
const apiAnnotationSimplify = async (results)=>{
var r = {
title: e.document.title[0], uri:e.uri, context: e.links.incontext,
text: e.text, highlight: '', tags: e.tags,
user: e.user,, created: e.created, updated: e.updated,
try {
if([0].selector) {
var txt =[0].selector.filter(e=>e.type=='TextQuoteSelector');
if(txt) r.highlight = txt[0].exact;
} catch(e){};
return r;
const openArticleInHypothesis = async (articleUrl)=> {'' + articleUrl, '_blank');
const getUserProfile = async ()=> await apiHTTPGet(`${apiUrl}profile`);
const configFile = await app.vault.getFiles().find(f => == 'hypothesis');
//Setup configuration file
if (configFile == undefined ) {
userToken = await tp.system.prompt(" user token from");
if (userToken==null || userToken.length==0) return;
const userProfile = await getUserProfile();
userid = userProfile.userid;
if( userToken.length>0 && userid != null ){
const fileOutput = `---\nhypothesisUserToken: ${userToken} \n` +
`hypothesisUserID: ${userid} \n` +
`---\n\nThis file can be place anywhere in your vault.\n\n` +
`get your token here:`
await app.vault.create(configFileName,fileOutput);
} else {
//load user token
if (app.metadataCache.metadataCache[ app.metadataCache.fileCache[configFile.path].hash ]?.frontmatter?.hypothesisUserToken) {
userToken = app.metadataCache.metadataCache[ app.metadataCache.fileCache[configFile.path].hash ].frontmatter.hypothesisUserToken;
userid = app.metadataCache.metadataCache[ app.metadataCache.fileCache[configFile.path].hash ].frontmatter.hypothesisUserID;
if(userToken.length == 0 || userid == null) {
new Notice(`No user token or is invalid. Try deleting ${configFileName} and restarting the script.`)
return '';
const selectedText = tp.file.selection();
let articleAnnotations = null;
let articleURL = null;
let insertUser = false;
//find out the type of action
const hypothesisAction = await tp.system.suggester(
[ 'Retrieve my annotations for a web article/web PDF',
'Retrieve my annotations from a date',
'Open URL in for annotation (select a URL or type url)',
'Retrieve ALL annotations for a web article/web PDF',
['myarticle', 'mydate', 'openURL', 'allAnnotations'])
switch (hypothesisAction) {
case 'myarticle':
articleURL = await tp.system.prompt('URL:', selectedText);
if(articleURL==null || articleURL.length==0) return '';
articleAnnotations = await getMyAnnotations(articleURL);
case 'allAnnotations':
articleURL = await tp.system.prompt('URL:', selectedText);
if(articleURL==null || articleURL.length==0) return '';
articleAnnotations = await getAllAnnotations(articleURL);
insertUser = true;
case 'openURL':
const articleURLtoOpen = await tp.system.prompt('URL to open in', selectedText );
await openArticleInHypothesis(articleURLtoOpen);
case 'mydate':
const articleDates = await tp.system.prompt('Retrieve article titles from date:','YYYY-MM-DD', -7) );
if(articleDates==null || articleDates.length==0) return '';
articleAnnotations = await getAnnotationsSinceDate(articleDates);
if (articleAnnotations.length==0) {
new Notice('no results for this date range');
const articlesNames = [ Set(>e.title + ' \n(' + e.uri + ')' ))];
const articlesURIs = [ Set(>e.uri))];
articleURL = await tp.system.suggester(articlesNames, articlesURIs)
if(articleURL==null || articleURL.length==0) return '';
articleAnnotations = await getMyAnnotations(articleURL);
if (articleAnnotations==null || articleAnnotations.length == 0) return '';
if (tp.file.content.length==0) {
//likely a new document, insert front matter
tR += `---\n`;
tR += `fileType: HypothesisAnnotations\n`;
tR += `creationDate: ${'YYYY-MM-DD')} \n`;
tR += `annotationDate: ${articleAnnotations[0].created.substring(0,10)}\n`;
tR += `uri: ${articleAnnotations[0].uri}\n`;
tR += `---\n`;
tR += `# ${articleAnnotations[0].title}\n`
tR += `URL: ${articleAnnotations[0].uri}\n\n`
for( a of articleAnnotations) {
let tags = '';
let user = '';
if(a.tags.length>0) tags = ' ' + (> '#'+ t)).join(' ');
if(insertUser) user = ' _(' + a.user.replace('acct:','').replace('','') + ')_';
tR += `${a.highlight}${tags}${user}\n`;
if(a.text) tR += `> ${a.text}\n`;
tR += `\n`;
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Is it possible to support customizing note name? For instance, the name can be the title of the articles, but without strange symbols.

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Great template, thank you!
I'm wondering if you could add the possibility to search for url wildcard term?
So when you choose "Retrieve your annotations for a web article/web PDF", and type in for example wikipedia - a list pops up with all annotations written on any url containing wikipedia.

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