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thatPamIAm /
Last active October 7, 2019 15:55
BYOB Submissions for 1904

Please add a comment with the following:

  1. Your Name
  2. A link to your GitHub repo
  3. A link to your deployed application
  4. Were you able to complete the base functionality?
  • Seeded a database with at least 2 tables and 1 relationship?
  • 4 GETS, 2 POSTS, 1 DELETE completed?
  • Do all endpoints return response with appropriate status codes?
  • Documentation on all API endpoints in the README?
  • Link to storyboard in README?


  • In your journal, take two minutes to answer the following: What are some behavior/UI expectations you have when you use a native application? How does that compare to the behavior/UI expectations you have when using a desktop application? Or viewing a website on your phone?


Answer the following questions in your journal:

  • What is recursion? Why might you use recursion?
  • What does the anatomy of a recursive function include?
  • Generally speaking, will solving a problem recursively cost less memory? More memory? Explain the reasoning for your answer
thatPamIAm /
Last active August 21, 2019 17:04


  1. Grab all of your belongings and find a seat in a new location. Leave the post-its at the table.
  2. Taking a pen, grab six post its and write the numbers 1 - 6 on each. Each human should have an individual set.
thatPamIAm /
Last active July 3, 2019 14:33


Answer the following questions in your journal

  1. What is the execution call stack in JavaScript? What is its purpose?
  2. What is a stack overflow?
  3. Recursion is an important programming technique in which a function calls itself. Why do you suppose doing this might useful? If the google in your mind isn't returning anything - feel free to utilize other resources.
thatPamIAm /
Last active November 20, 2019 16:46
Warm Up

Warm Up

  1. Download Postgresql with brew install postgres
  2. Given what you know about the structure of relational databases, what is happening in these lines of code? What about these lines? Diagram it out in your journal


Feel free to research with the google on your computer. Answers to prompts should be done in your journal.

  1. Read the article that was dropped in the channel.

  2. In your own words, describe a database.

  3. For the most part, any application can be built using a relational or a non-relational database. With this in mind, discuss the following:

  • What is the difference between the two?
  • Is one better than the other? Why?
thatPamIAm /
Last active June 4, 2019 20:08
jsFUN Topics

Please leave a comment on this gist with the following information:

Name Topic

Ex Pamela Lovett The difference between context and scope


What is the result of each console.log()? Explain your answer.


var alarmTime = 8;

function testAlarm() {
 let alarmTime = 22;