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Taine Zhao thautwarm

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thautwarm / string_process.jl
Created May 10, 2020 15:34
time efficient julia string
struct AString
function convert(::Type{AString}, str::String)
n = ncodeunits(str)
buf = Char[]
i = 1
while i <= n
chr = str[i]::Char
thautwarm /
Created June 24, 2020 18:46
_isinstance = isinstance
def test_mm(data):
isinstance = _isinstance
# +pattern-matching
for d in data:
with match(d):
if [a, isinstance(str) and b, c]:
"%s(%s)%s" % (a, b, c)
if (isinstance(str) and s, isinstance(int) and i):
s * i
using MLStyle
using Libdl
struct DLL
path :: String
function DLL(path::String)
handle = dlopen_e(path)
using MLStyle
import Base
@data Nat begin
S{N <: Nat} :: () => Nat
StoInt(s::Type{Z}) = 0
StoInt(s::Type{S{N}}) where N = StoInt(N) + 1
thautwarm /
Created September 16, 2020 21:07
a use case of higher rank types. not about monad
type _ df =
| EmptyDF : unit df
| JoinDF : 'a array * 'b df -> ('a * 'b) df
type (_, _) index =
| TOS : ('e * 'o, 'e) index
| NEXT : ('o, 'e) index -> ('tos * 'o, 'e) index
let rec get : type a e. (a, e) index -> a df -> e array =
fun ind df ->
Weekly development breakdown
thautwarm /
Created February 13, 2021 07:04
# cache init
source activate base
if [[ -z "$my_pragma_once" ]]; then
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
source ~/.bashfiles/
source "$(scoop prefix git)\etc\profile.d\"
source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
thautwarm / cpointers.jl
Last active March 7, 2021 09:03
[julia] convenient interface for c-interops(zero-cost get element pointer/type-checked ccall, etc)
modules that provides convenient pointer operations.
struct C
a :: Cint
struct A
a :: Cint
b :: Cdouble
thautwarm / datafile
Created October 10, 2021 11:03
map polygon example
[[293, 346], [293, 343], [288, 339], [276, 351], [293, 346]] (0, 20, 28)
[[353, 342], [347, 329], [346, 328], [341, 330], [339, 331], [344, 340], [353, 342]] (0, 20, 28)
[[354, 327], [350, 327], [347, 329], [353, 342], [354, 342], [359, 342], [359, 330], [354, 327]] (0, 20, 28)
[[381, 341], [366, 324], [364, 325], [360, 327], [359, 330], [359, 342], [365, 344], [381, 341]] (0, 20, 28)
[[381, 341], [385, 341], [371, 321], [370, 321], [367, 324], [366, 324], [381, 341]] (0, 20, 28)
[[405, 315], [400, 312], [392, 316], [388, 321], [392, 341], [411, 350], [405, 315]] (0, 20, 28)
[[313, 314], [316, 311], [312, 308], [308, 311], [309, 313], [310, 314], [313, 314]] (0, 20, 28)
[[320, 307], [314, 302], [312, 305], [312, 308], [316, 311], [317, 311], [320, 309], [320, 307]] (0, 20, 28)
[[312, 305], [308, 304], [304, 307], [304, 307], [305, 309], [308, 311], [312, 308], [312, 305]] (0, 20, 28)
[[395, 310], [394, 310], [392, 316], [400, 312], [399, 311], [395, 310]] (0, 20, 28)
from wisepy2 import wise
def main(filename: str):
"""return a pair:
- non-empty character count
- non-empty line count
l = 0
c = 0
for line in open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8'):