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Jason Collins the-oem

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This is my gist to track my pre-work for Turing School of Software and Design

Day 1

  1. Computer setup - DONE
  2. Create a gist - DONE
  3. Codepen account - DONE
  4. Chapters 1 & 2 (HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites)

On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code?

  • HTML uses various elements to provide structure to a web page.
the-oem /
Last active March 7, 2017 21:16
Turing Career Development Pre-Work reflections

These are my reflections on the reading assignments of the Turing Career Development Pre-Work.

  1. For me, the 3 most important behaviors are saying "I don't know", being able to absorb massive criticism with ease, and move fast and break things. I've been in software development for a long time, and I think these specifically show vulnerability (and allow for the greatest personal and professional growth) and teach you to focus on what matters. By moving fast and breaking things, you are learning to deal with risks and unknowns, and recover when you fall, which is going to happen often in software development.

  2. The benefits of a checklist are numerous, and I think it evolves as you move from a student into a professional career as a software developer. Keeping track of priorities, which will constantly change, is a big thing for me and a checklist. It also helps to know that you are making progress on something. Once you get a job writing software, it's easy to let things fall through the cracks and f

the-oem /
Created March 8, 2017 02:08
Turing Culture: Developing Empathetic Programmers

Turing Culture: Developing Empathetic Programmers

  1. What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?
  • Empathy has helped me directly relate to others in a more meaningful way. I've raised 4 sons, all with very different personalities and different strengths and weaknesses. Empathy has been invaluable in listening to them and understanding their struggles in a way that allows me to help them the best way possible.
  1. How does empathy help you build better software?
  • In my professional life, as a software engineering leader, I've had to learn empathy in order to help teams work better together. It's especially useful between disciplines on larger teams, where developers typically hand code off to QA. With empathy as a skill, the relationship and understanding between these two disciplines ie healthy rather than contentious.
  1. Why is empathy important for working on a team?
  • A team fundamentally is a group of people, and the more you know and understand the people on your team,
the-oem /
Created March 15, 2017 19:19
Ideas for Turing Lab Posse

**Turing Lab Ideas

  • A couple screens around the space that stream Twitter feeds (in a layout similar to HootSuite). The Turing stream + mentions of turing*

**What is the attribute for indicate on the label element? Do you always have to use it? Why or why not?

  • The attribute FOR on the LABEL element basically links the label with a INPUT element with the same ID. It is not required if the INPUT element is contained within the LABEL element, but it is required if it is outside of the LABEL element.

** What are 5 values for the type attribute of an input element and how do they work?

  • button: A push button with no default behavior.
  • reset: A button that resets the contents of all INPUT elements within the FORM element.
  • submit: A button that submits the FORM to the ACTION attribute.
  • text: A single line text field.
  • time: A control for entering time with no time zone.

Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request

Read Through Your Theme Definitions

  1. What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?
  • You derive pleasure from actively participating in conversations when group members propose ideas, seek solutions, or debate issues.
  • It’s very likely that you likely are quite adept — that is, talented, skilled, and knowledgeable — with language.
  • Because of your strengths, you work diligently to invent alternative courses of action.
  • I would define them in my own words in this way:
  1. Strategic: Thinking about alternative routes to an end goal. Thinking big picture; bigger than today or this week or this month.
the-oem /
Last active March 24, 2017 17:49
Turing CSS Challenges

Floated div 1 to the left, wrapped div 2 and div 3 in a span and floated it right. Used the span to maintain the order of 2, 3 when using float:right.

Since div's are in block format, just specified where div2 and div3 needed to be placed.

the-oem /
Last active March 23, 2017 15:23
Turing Module 1 - Number Guesser Known Issues

Known Issues

  1. There is no error checking to validate that min range value is less than max range value.

New requirements suggestions

  1. Guess button should be disabled when the input field is empty, because guessing with no value doesn't really make sense. This wasn't in the requirements, but in a real world scenario I would have asked the product owner about this.

Things I would like to have completed

  1. More refactoring. Plenty of this left to do, and I am not following the DRY rule as much as I would like.
  2. Clean up unused CSS rules.
  3. Make the min and max input fields flash once with the pink color when their values change automatically by -10 and +10, respectively to help inform the user that there was a change.

What are your learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project? Tyler: Learn how to build a website. Me: Learn how to balance

What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches? Tyler: Likes the idea of pair programming, but learns best through comparison, like both writing the same function and then comparing. Me: Very collaborative

How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others? Tyler: Open and honest communicator. Appreciates that being reciprocated.