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theGaffe / api-capstone-feedback.txt
Created September 20, 2018 18:55
Feedback for API Capstone project
API Capstone Feedback
- Overall all users used the site as intended.
- Bugs
-Continous loading icon when second API (OMDb) could not find matching movie title.
-Odd white space when failed to load second API
-FIXED - Removed now-empty elements.
-Country list not alphabetical.
-It's only alphabetical by country CODE - not name. Cannot be fixed easily.
- Feature Requests
theGaffe / request-and-response-drills.txt
Created October 2, 2018 04:51
Request and response drills
Echo Endpoint:!/caring-sailfish?path=server.js:1:0
Mad lib:!/axiomatic-prince?path=server.js:1:13
theGaffe / mongo-basics-drills.js
Created October 9, 2018 23:05
Mongo basics drills
//Get All
//Limit and sort
db.restaurants.find().sort({name: 1}).limit(10)
//Get by _id
var id = db.restaurants.findOne()._id
db.restaurants.findOne({_id: id}})
//Get by value
db.restaurants.find({borough: "Queens"})
* Users create an account
* Username and password
* Login to account
* be able to change account information
* Create and modify flash cards
* Create decks of flash cards
* Add a card to a deck
* Remove a card from a deck
* Use flash cards to study
-Create bigger buttons to tap on
-Done. Wanted to make them bigger but the design of the card minimizes room for text the bigger the buttons are.
-Give confirmations to edit and delete buttons
-Make the flash cards bigger
-Adjust the text size on the cards depending on how long the string is
-Make the text fields bigger when creating cards
-Done, switched to SweetAlert system and made the input textarea