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David Dias thedaviddias

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thedaviddias / Preload CSS - Not blocking CSS.html
Last active February 1, 2024 08:24
Preload CSS and don't block the DOM with your CSS file request.
<link rel="preload" href="css/global.min.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'">
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/global.min.css"></noscript>
/*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
!function(a){"use strict";var b=function(b,c,d){function j(a){if(e.body)return a();setTimeout(function(){j(a)})}function l(){f.addEventListener&&f.removeEventListener("load",l),||"all"}var g,e=a.document,f=e.createElement("link");if(c)g=c;else{var h=(e.body||e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).childNodes;g=h[h.length-1]}var i=e.styleSheets;f.rel="stylesheet",f.href=b,"only x",j(function(){g.parentNode.insertBefore(f,c?g:g.nextSibling)});var k=function(a){for(var b=f.href,c=i.length;c--;)if(i[c].href===b)return a();setTimeout(function(){k(a)})};return f.addEventListener&&f.addEventListener("load",l),f.onloadcssdefined=k,k(l),f};"undefined"!=typeof exports?exports.loadCSS=b:a.loadCSS=b}("undefined"!=typeof global?global:this);
/*! loadCSS rel=preload po
thedaviddias / application.js
Created December 3, 2012 13:38 — forked from kaelig/application.js
JQUERY: Open external links and PDFs in a new window or tab
$(document).ready(function() {
// Open external links in a new window or tab
$(document).on('click', 'a[rel$="external"]', function() {
$(this).attr('target', "_blank");
$(document).on('click', 'a[href$=".pdf"]', function() {
$(this).attr('target', "_blank");
// Open all urls that don't belong to our domain in a new window or tab
$(document).on('click', "a[href^='http:']:not([href*='" + + "'])", function() {
thedaviddias / SassMeister-input.scss
Created March 11, 2016 10:44
Precise control over responsive typography for Sass
// ----
// libsass (v3.2.5)
// ----
/*! ========================================================================
Indrek Paas @indrekpaas
thedaviddias / get_title_and_url.applescript
Created October 2, 2019 02:04 — forked from vitorgalvao/Get Title and URL.applescript
AppleScript and JavaScript for Automation to get frontmost tab’s url and title of various browsers.
-- AppleScript --
-- This example is meant as a simple starting point to show how to get the information in the simplest available way.
-- Keep in mind that when asking for a `return` after another, only the first one will be output.
-- This method is as good as its JXA counterpart.
-- Google Chrome
tell application "Google Chrome" to return title of active tab of front window
tell application "Google Chrome" to return URL of active tab of front window
-- Google Chrome Canary
import path from 'path';
import webpack from 'webpack';
import merge from 'lodash.merge';
const DEBUG = !process.argv.includes('--release');
const VERBOSE = process.argv.includes('--verbose');
const WATCH = global.WATCH === undefined ? false : global.WATCH;
'Android 2.3',
'Android >= 4',
thedaviddias / .zshrc
Created June 4, 2021 18:38 — forked from callumlocke/.zshrc
ZSH function to auto-switch to correct Node version
# ZSH function to auto-switch to correct Node version
# - Searches up your directory tree for the closest .nvmrc, just like `nvm use` does.
# - If you are already on the right Node version, IT DOES NOTHING, AND PRINTS NOTHING.
# - Works correctly if your .nvmrc file contains something relaxed/generic,
# like "4" or "v12.0" or "stable".

Cheat sheet: JavaScript Array methods

Deriving a new Array from an existing Array:

['■','●','▲'].slice(1, 3)           ['●','▲']
['■','●','■'].filter(x => x==='■')  ['■','■']
    ['▲','●'].map(x => x+x)         ['▲▲','●●']
    ['▲','●'].flatMap(x => [x,x])   ['▲','▲','●','●']
thedaviddias / tmux split-window
Created April 12, 2021 13:44 — forked from sdondley/tmux split-window
Super Guide to the split-window tmux Subcommand (and Beyond)

Super Guide to the split-window tmux Subcommand (and Beyond)

Guide overview

tmux, like other great software, is deceptive. On the one hand, it's fairly easy to get set up and start using right away. On the other hand, it's difficult to take advantage of tmux's adanced power features without spending some quality alone time with the manual. But the problem with manuals is that they aren't geared toward beginners. They are geared toward helping seasoned developers and computer enthusiasts quickly obtain the

thedaviddias / input.scss
Created March 10, 2021 05:09
Generated by
$anim: (
"1": 474,
"2": 433,
"3": 407,
"4": 458,
"5": 400,
"6": 427,
"7": 441,
"8": 419,
"9": 487,
thedaviddias / README.markdown
Created March 2, 2021 17:59 — forked from marijn/README.markdown
List of countries in YAML, CSV and TXT format