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Created January 20, 2013 18:34
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<!-- Created with Inkscape ( -->
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id="path2199" />
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id="path2169" />
d="M 142.04762,250.61905 L 76,197.2381 L 16.285714,199.04762 L 15.380952,265.09524 L 26.238095,287.71429 L 45.238095,298.57143 L 142.04762,250.61905 z "
id="path2171" />
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id="path2173" />
d="M 298.57143,252.42857 L 324.80952,254.2381 L 332.95238,327.52381 L 285,328.42857 L 298.57143,252.42857 z "
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d="M 352.85714,325.71429 L 337.47619,248.80952 L 376.38095,214.42857 L 545.57143,303.09524 L 544.66667,328.42857 L 527.47619,331.14286 L 352.85714,325.71429 z "
id="path2177" />
d="M 237.95238,126.66667 L 289.52381,92.285714 L 276.85714,13.571429 L 86.857143,14.47619 L 66.952381,20.809524 L 56.095238,32.571429 L 237.95238,126.66667 z "
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d="M 299.47619,89.571429 L 319.38095,88.666667 L 334.7619,17.190476 L 288.61905,16.285714 L 299.47619,89.571429 z "
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d="M 377.28571,127.57143 L 325.71429,92.285714 L 345.61905,16.285714 L 532.90476,14.47619 L 559.14285,33.476191 L 523.85714,54.285715 L 377.28571,127.57143 z "
id="path2183" />
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d="M 522.95238,158.33333 L 393.57143,171.90476 L 380.90476,203.57143 L 468.66667,243.38095 L 508.47619,210.80952 L 522.95238,158.33333 z "
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d="M 532,191.80952 L 585.38095,189.09524 L 586.28571,150.19048 L 531.09523,152 L 532,191.80952 z "
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id="path2189" />
d="M 528.38095,251.52381 L 587.19048,257.85714 L 579.95238,285.90476 L 560.95238,300.38095 L 517.52381,273.2381 L 528.38095,251.52381 z "
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d="M 587.19048,257.85714 L 528.38095,251.52381 L 532,199.04762 L 587.19048,197.2381 L 587.19048,257.85714 z "
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d="M 268.71429,139.33333 L 284.09524,125.7619 L 309.42857,120.33333 L 341.09524,133.90476 L 359.19048,161.95238 L 360.09524,188.19048 L 347.42857,207.19048 L 321.19048,221.66667 L 294.04762,222.57143 L 274.14286,209.90476 L 257.85714,188.19048 L 258.7619,157.42857 L 268.71429,139.33333 z "
id="path2195" />
;;;; run with:
;;;; java -cp /path/to/clojure-jar/clojure-1.5.0-RC1.jar clojure.main picnic.clj
;; import Data.List
;; import Text.Regex
;; import System.Random
;; import Data.Ord
;; type Point = (Float,Float)
;; type Color = (Int,Int,Int)
;; type Polygon = [Point]
;; type Person = [Int]
;; type Link = [Point]
;; type Placement = [(Point,Person)]
;; type EnergyFunction a = a -> Int
;; type TemperatureFunction = Int -> Int -> Float
;; type TransitionProbabilityFunction = Int -> Int -> Float -> Float
;; type MotionFunction a = StdGen -> a -> (StdGen,a)
;; main = do
;; putStr "Hello World! Let's have a picnic! \n"
;; people_text <- readFile "people.txt"
;; let people :: [Person]
;; people = read people_text
;; putStr "Number of people coming: "
;; print (length people)
(defn read-string-safe [s]
(binding [*read-eval* false]
(read-string s)))
(prn "Hello, World! Let's have a picnic!")
(def people (read-string-safe (slurp "people.edn")))
(prn "Number of people coming:" (count people))
;; let writePoint :: Point -> String
;; writePoint (x,y) = (show x)++","++(show y)++" "
;; let writePolygon :: (Color,Polygon) -> String
;; writePolygon ((r,g,b),p) = "<polygon points=\""++(concatMap writePoint p)++"\" style=\"fill:#cccccc;stroke:rgb("++(show r)++","++(show g)++","++(show b)++");stroke-width:2\"/>"
;; let writePolygons :: [(Color,Polygon)] -> String
;; writePolygons p = "<svg xmlns=\"\">"++(concatMap writePolygon p)++"</svg>"
;; let colorize :: Color -> [Polygon] -> [(Color,Polygon)]
;; colorize = zip.repeat
;; let rainbow@[red,green,blue,yellow,purple,teal] = map colorize [(255,0,0),(0,255,0),(0,0,255),(255,255,0),(255,0,255),(0,255,255)]
;; writeFile "tut0.svg" $ writePolygons (blue [[(100,100),(200,100),(200,200),(100,200)],[(200,200),(300,200),(300,300),(200,300)]])
(defn write-point [[x y]]
(str x "," y " "))
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(defn write-polygon [[[r g b] p]]
(str "<polygon points=\"" (string/join (map write-point p)) "\" style=\"fill:#cccccc;stroke:rgb(" r "," g "," b ");stroke-width:2\"/>"))
(defn write-polygons [ps]
(str "<svg xmlns=\"\">" (string/join (map write-polygon ps)) "</svg>"))
(defn colorize [c ps]
(map (partial vector c) ps))
(def rainbow (map (fn [c]
(fn [p]
(colorize c p))) [[255 0 0] [0 255 0] [0 0 255] [255 255 0] [255 0 255] [0 255 255]]))
(def red (nth rainbow 0))
(def green (nth rainbow 1))
(def blue (nth rainbow 2))
(def yellow (nth rainbow 3))
(def purple (nth rainbow 4))
(def teal (nth rainbow 5))
(->> (write-polygons (blue [[[100 100] [200 100] [200 200] [100 200]]
[[200 200] [300 200] [300 300] [200 300]]]))
(spit "tut0.svg"))
;; let readPoint :: String -> Point
;; readPoint s | Just [x,y] <- matchRegex (mkRegex "([0-9.]+),([0-9.]+)") s = (read x,read y)
;; let readPolygon :: String -> Polygon
;; readPolygon = (map readPoint).(splitRegex $ mkRegex " L ")
;; let readPolygons :: String -> [Polygon]
;; readPolygons = (map readPolygon).tail.(splitRegex $ mkRegex "<path")
;; park_data <- readFile "park.svg"
;; let park = readPolygons park_data
;; writeFile "tut1.svg" $ writePolygons (green park)
(defn read-point [s]
(let [[_ x-str y-str] (re-find #"([0-9.]+),([0-9.]+)" s)]
(map read-string-safe [x-str y-str])))
(defn read-polygon [s]
(->> (string/split s #" L ")
(map read-point)))
(defn read-polygons [s]
(->> (string/split s #"<path")
(map read-polygon)))
(def park (read-polygons (slurp "park.svg")))
(->> (write-polygons (green park))
(spit "tut1.svg"))
;; let triangulate :: Polygon -> [Polygon]
;; triangulate (a:b:c:xs) = [a,b,c]:triangulate (a:c:xs)
;; triangulate _ = []
;; let triangles = concatMap triangulate park
;; writeFile "tut2.svg" $ writePolygons (purple triangles)
(defn triangulate [[a b c & xs]]
(if (and a b c)
(conj (triangulate (concat [a c] xs)) [a b c])
(def triangles (mapcat triangulate park))
(->> (write-polygons (purple triangles))
(spit "tut2.svg"))
;; let clipTriangle :: (Point -> Point -> Point) -> [Point] -> [Point] -> [Polygon]
;; clipTriangle i [] [a,b,c] = []
;; clipTriangle i [a] [b,c] = [[a,i a b,i a c]]
;; clipTriangle i [a,b] [c] = [[a,i a c,b],[b,i a c,i b c]]
;; clipTriangle i [a,b,c] [] = [[a,b,c]]
;; let slice :: (Point -> Bool) -> (Point -> Point -> Point) -> [Polygon] -> ([Polygon],[Polygon])
;; slice f i t = (clip f,clip $ not.f)
;; where clip g = concatMap ((uncurry $ clipTriangle i).(partition g)) t
;; let sliceX :: Float -> [Polygon] -> ([Polygon],[Polygon])
;; sliceX x = slice ((x >).fst) interpolateX
;; where interpolateX (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x,y1+(y2-y1)*(x-x1)/(x2-x1))
;; let sliceY :: Float -> [Polygon] -> ([Polygon],[Polygon])
;; sliceY y = slice ((y >).snd) interpolateY
;; where interpolateY (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x1+(x2-x1)*(y-y1)/(y2-y1),y)
;; let (left_side,right_side) = sliceX 200 triangles
;; writeFile "tut3.svg" $ writePolygons $ (red left_side) ++ (blue right_side)
;;;; This is different from the Haskell code. split? splits the
;;;; triangles into the triangles left of the split line and right of
;;;; the split line (this could also be above or below of the split
;;;; line for the vertical case). Triangles that are intersected by the
;;;; split? are split into smaller triangles in the appropriate part,
;;;; based on how many of the three points of each triangle are on
;;;; each side.
(defn slice [split? split ps]
(fn [[keep-left keep-right] p]
(let [left (filter split? p)
right (remove split? p)]
(condp = (count left)
0 [keep-left (conj keep-right p)]
1 (let [[a] left
[b c] right
ab (split a b)
ac (split a c)]
[(conj keep-left [a ab ac])
(conj keep-right [ab ac c] [b ab c])])
2 (let [[a b] left
[c] right
ac (split a c)
bc (split b c)]
[(conj keep-left [a b ac] [b ac bc])
(conj keep-right [ac bc c])])
3 [(conj keep-left p) keep-right])))
[[] []]
(defn slice-x [x ps]
(let [interpolate-x (fn [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
[x (+ y1 (/ (* (- y2 y1) (- x x1))
(- x2 x1)))])]
(slice (fn [[px _]]
(> x px)) interpolate-x ps)))
(defn slice-y [y ps]
(let [interpolate-y (fn [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
[(+ x1 (/ (* (- x2 x1) (- y y1))
(- y2 y1))) y])]
(slice (fn [[_ py]]
(> y py)) interpolate-y ps)))
(let [[left-side right-side] (slice-x 200 triangles)]
(->> (write-polygons (concat (red left-side)
(blue right-side)))
(spit "tut3.svg")))
;; let boundingRect :: [Polygon] -> (Float,Float,Float,Float)
;; boundingRect p = (minimum xs,minimum ys,maximum xs,maximum ys)
;; where xs = map fst $ concat p
;; ys = map snd $ concat p
;; let halveTriangles :: Int -> [Polygon] -> ([Polygon],[Polygon])
;; halveTriangles n p = let (l,t,r,b) = boundingRect p
;; f = fromIntegral n
;; h = fromIntegral $ div n 2
;; in if r-l > b-t
;; then sliceX ((r*h+l*(f-h))/f) p
;; else sliceY ((b*h+t*(f-h))/f) p
;; let distance :: Point -> Point -> Float
;; distance p1 p2 = sqrt (deltax*deltax+deltay*deltay)
;; where deltax = (fst p1)-(fst p2)
;; deltay = (snd p1)-(snd p2)
;; let area :: Polygon -> Float
;; area [a,b,c] = let x = distance a b
;; y = distance b c
;; z = distance c a
;; s = (x+y+z)/2
;; in sqrt (s*(s-x)*(s-y)*(s-z))
;; let allocatePeople :: Int -> [Polygon] -> [[Polygon]]
;; allocatePeople 0 t = []
;; allocatePeople 1 t = [t]
;; allocatePeople n t = let (t1,t2) = halveTriangles n t
;; a1 = sum $ map area t1
;; a2 = sum $ map area t2
;; f = round $ (fromIntegral n)*a1/(a1+a2)
;; in (allocatePeople f t1)++(allocatePeople (n-f) t2)
;; let lots = allocatePeople (length people) triangles
;; writeFile "tut4.svg" $ writePolygons $ concat $ zipWith ($) (cycle rainbow) lots
(defn bounding-rect [ps]
(let [xs (map first (apply concat ps))
ys (map second (apply concat ps))]
[(apply min xs) (apply min ys)
(apply max xs) (apply max ys)]))
(defn halve-triangles [n p]
(let [[l t r b] (bounding-rect p)
h (quot n 2)]
(if (> (- r l)
(- b t))
(let [cut (/ (+ (* r h)
(* l (- n h))) n)]
(slice-x cut p))
(let [cut (/ (+ (* b h)
(* t (- n h))) n)]
(slice-y cut p)))))
(defn distance [[p1x p1y] [p2x p2y]]
(let [deltax (- p1x p2x)
deltay (- p1y p2y)]
(Math/sqrt (+ (* deltax deltax)
(* deltay deltay)))))
(defn area [[a b c]]
(let [x (distance a b)
y (distance b c)
z (distance c a)
s (/ (+ x y z) 2)]
(Math/sqrt (* s (- s x) (- s y) (- s z)))))
(defn allocate-people [n t]
(= n 0) []
(= n 1) [t]
:else (let [[t1 t2] (halve-triangles n t)
a1 (reduce + (map area t1))
a2 (reduce + (map area t2))
f (Math/round (/ (* n a1) (+ a1 a2)))]
(allocate-people f t1)
(allocate-people (- n f) t2)))))
(def lots (allocate-people (count people) triangles))
(->> (write-polygons (mapcat (fn [f ps] (f ps)) (cycle rainbow) lots))
(spit "tut4.svg"))
;; let findLotCenter :: [Polygon] -> Point
;; findLotCenter p = let (l,t,r,b) = boundingRect p
;; m@(x,y) = ((r+l)/2,(b+t)/2)
;; (lh,rh) = sliceX x p
;; (th,bh) = sliceY y $ lh ++ rh
;; centerOrder p1 p2 = compare (distance p1 m) (distance p2 m)
;; in minimumBy (comparing $ distance m) $ concat $ th ++ bh
;; let makeDot :: Point -> Polygon
;; makeDot (x,y) = [(x-2,y-2),(x+2,y-2),(x+2,y+2),(x-2,y+2)]
;; let centers = map findLotCenter lots
;; let spots = blue $ map makeDot centers
;; writeFile "tut5.svg" $ writePolygons $ (green park) ++ spots
(defn find-lot-center [p]
(let [[l t r b] (bounding-rect p)
[x y :as m] [(/ (+ r l) 2) (/ (+ b t) 2)]
[lh rh] (slice-x x p)
[th bh] (slice-y y (concat lh rh))]
(apply min-key (partial distance m) (apply concat (concat th bh)))))
(defn make-dot [[x y]]
[[(- x 2) (- y 2)] [(+ x 2) (- y 2)] [(+ x 2) (+ y 2)] [(- x 2) (+ y 2)]])
(def centers (map find-lot-center lots))
(def spots (blue (map make-dot centers)))
(->> (write-polygons (concat (green park)
(spit "tut5.svg"))
;; let shortestLinks :: Int -> [Link] -> [Link]
;; shortestLinks n = (take n).(sortBy $ comparing linkLength)
;; where linkLength [a,b] = distance a b
;; let sittingNeighbors :: Int -> [Point] -> [Link]
;; sittingNeighbors n p = nub $ shortestLinks (n * (length p)) [[a,b] | a <- p, b <- p, a /= b]
;; let sitting = sittingNeighbors 4 centers
;; writeFile "tut6.svg" $ writePolygons $ (green park) ++ spots ++ (red sitting)
(defn shortest-links [n ls]
(take n (sort-by (fn [[a b]] (distance a b)) ls)))
(defn sitting-neighbors [n p]
(distinct (shortest-links (* n (count p))
(for [a p
b p
:when (not= a b)]
[a b]))))
(def sitting (sitting-neighbors 4 centers))
(->> (write-polygons (concat (green park)
(red sitting)))
(spit "tut6.svg"))
;; let walkingNeighbors :: Int -> [Point] -> [Link]
;; walkingNeighbors n l = nub $ concatMap myNeighbors l
;; where myNeighbors :: Point -> [Link]
;; myNeighbors p = shortestLinks n [sort [p,c] | c <- l, p /= c]
;; let walking = walkingNeighbors 4 centers
;; writeFile "tut7.svg" $ writePolygons $ (green park) ++ spots ++ (red walking)
(defn walking-neighbors [n l]
(let [my-neighbors (fn [p]
(shortest-links 4 (for [c l
:when (not= c p)]
[p c])))]
(distinct (mapcat my-neighbors l))))
(def walking (walking-neighbors 4 centers))
(->> (write-polygons (concat (green park)
(red walking)))
(spit "tut7.svg"))
;; let starting_placement = zip centers people
;; let mismatches :: Person -> Person -> Int
;; mismatches a b = length $ filter (uncurry (/=)) $ zip a b
;; let similarityColor :: Person -> Person -> Color
;; similarityColor p1 p2 = let m = mismatches p1 p2
;; h = div (length p1) 2
;; d = 30 * (abs (h - m))
;; b = max 0 (255-d)
;; o = min d 255
;; in if m < h
;; then (0,o,b)
;; else (o,0,b)
;; let findPerson :: Placement -> Point -> Person
;; findPerson a p | Just (_,e) <- find ((== p).fst) a = e
;; let similarityLine :: Placement -> Link -> (Color,Polygon)
;; similarityLine l [p1,p2] = (similarityColor (findPerson l p1) (findPerson l p2),[p1,p2])
;; writeFile "tut8.svg" $ writePolygons $ map (similarityLine starting_placement) sitting
(def starting-placement (map list centers people))
(defn mismatches [a b]
(reduce + 0 (for [[i j] (map list a b)
:when (not= i j)]
(defn similarity-color [p1 p2]
(let [m (mismatches p1 p2)
h (quot (count p1) 2)
d (* 30 (Math/abs (- h m)))
b (max 0 (- 255 d))
o (min d 255)]
(if (< m h)
[0 o b]
[o 0 b])))
(defn find-person [a p]
(some (fn [[i e]]
(when (= i p)
e)) a))
(defn similarity-line [l [p1 p2]]
[(similarity-color (find-person l p1) (find-person l p2)) [p1 p2]])
(->> (write-polygons (map (partial similarity-line starting-placement) sitting))
(spit "tut8.svg"))
;; let picnicEnergy :: [Link] -> EnergyFunction Placement
;; picnicEnergy l a = sum $ map linkEnergy l
;; where linkEnergy :: Link -> Int
;; linkEnergy [p1,p2] = mismatches (findPerson a p1) (findPerson a p2)
;; let picnicMotion :: [Link] -> MotionFunction Placement
;; picnicMotion l r a = let (n,r2) = randomR (0,(length l)-1) r
;; [p1,p2] = l!!n
;; in (r2,(p1,findPerson a p2):(p2,findPerson a p1):(filter (not.((flip elem) [p1,p2]).fst) a))
;; let picnicTemperature :: TemperatureFunction
;; picnicTemperature m c = 50.0 * (exp (0.0 - (5.0 * ((fromIntegral c) / (fromIntegral m)))))
;; let picnicTransitionalProbability :: TransitionProbabilityFunction
;; picnicTransitionalProbability e1 e2 t = exp ((fromIntegral (e1 - e2)) / t)
;; let annealing_time = 500
;; putStr "starting energy: "
;; print $ picnicEnergy sitting starting_placement
;; putStr "starting temperature: "
;; print $ picnicTemperature annealing_time annealing_time
(defn picnic-energy [l a]
(let [link-energy (fn [[p1 p2]]
(mismatches (find-person a p1)
(find-person a p2)))]
(reduce + (map link-energy l))))
(defn picnic-motion [l r a]
(let [n (.nextInt r (count l))
[p1 p2] (nth l n)]
[r (concat [[p1 (find-person a p2)] [p2 (find-person a p1)]]
(for [p a
:when (and (not= p p1)
(not= p p2))]
(defn picnic-temperature [m c]
(* 50.0 (Math/exp (- 0.0 (* 5.0 (/ c m))))))
(defn picnic-transitional-probability [e1 e2 t]
(Math/exp (/ (- e1 e2) t)))
(def annealing-time 500)
(prn "starting energy: " (picnic-energy sitting starting-placement))
(prn "starting temperature: " (picnic-temperature annealing-time annealing-time))
;; let anneal_tick :: MotionFunction a -> TransitionProbabilityFunction -> EnergyFunction a -> Float -> (StdGen,a) -> (StdGen,a)
;; anneal_tick mf tpf ef t (r,p) = let (r2,p2) = mf r p
;; (n ,r3) = random r2
;; in (r3,
;; if n < tpf (ef p) (ef p2) t
;; then p2
;; else p)
;; let anneal :: EnergyFunction a -> MotionFunction a -> TransitionProbabilityFunction -> TemperatureFunction -> Int -> StdGen -> a -> a
;; anneal ef mf tpf tf m r s = snd $ foldl' (flip (anneal_tick mf tpf ef)) (r,s) (map (tf m) [0..m])
;; random_generator <- getStdGen
;; putStr "starting annealing... "
;; putStr "number of annealing steps: "
;; print annealing_time
(defn anneal-tick [mf tpf ef t [r p]]
(let [[r2 p2] (mf r p)
[n r3] [(.nextDouble r) r]]
[r3 (if (< n (tpf (ef p) (ef p2) t))
(defn anneal [ef mf tpf tf m r s]
(second (reduce
(fn [state t]
(anneal-tick mf tpf ef t state))
[r s]
(map (partial tf m) (range m)))))
(def random-generator (java.util.Random.))
(prn "Starting annealing... ")
(prn "Number of annealing steps: " annealing-time)
;; let ideal_placement = anneal
;; (picnicEnergy sitting)
;; (picnicMotion walking)
;; picnicTransitionalProbability
;; picnicTemperature
;; annealing_time
;; random_generator
;; starting_placement
;; writeFile "tut9.svg" $ writePolygons $ map (similarityLine ideal_placement) sitting
;; putStr "Done!\nfinal energy: "
;; print $ picnicEnergy sitting ideal_placement
;; putStr "final temperature: "
;; print $ picnicTemperature 0 annealing_time
(def ideal-placement
(partial picnic-energy sitting)
(partial picnic-motion walking)
(->> (write-polygons (map (partial similarity-line ideal-placement) sitting))
(spit "tut9.svg"))
(prn "Done final energy: " (picnic-energy sitting ideal-placement))
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