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Jumping over Rainbows...

Theofanis Despoudis theodesp

Jumping over Rainbows...
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// This is a proper alternative to
// The one in that file uses Promise, but that's *wrong*.
// We only used promise as a demo of its API. We'll remove it soon.
// As you can see below, the pure XMLHttpRequest code is just as clean,
// less mysterious for all, more performant, extensible, and actually correct.
// Ignore these externals for now. They're just for illustration
// purposes. I just copy pasted the Js code from
theodesp /
Created October 3, 2022 12:12 — forked from susam/

Recon and Attack Vectors from My Logs

This document contains excerpts from my web server logs collected over a period of 7 years that shows various kinds of recon and attack vectors.

There were a total of 37.2 million lines of logs out of which 1.1 million unique HTTP requests (Method + URI) were found.

$ sed 's/^.* - - \[.*\] "\(.*\) HTTP\/.*" .*/\1/' access.log > requests.txt
theodesp / dyn_arr.h
Created March 1, 2023 11:47 — forked from nicebyte/dyn_arr.h
#pragma once
#define DYN_ARR_OF(type) struct { \
type *data; \
type *endptr; \
uint32_t capacity; \
#if !defined(__cplusplus)
#define decltype(x) void*
theodesp / json.zig
Created April 4, 2023 16:52 — forked from mitchellh/json.zig
Streaming JSON decoder for Zig (NOT COMPLETE!)
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ArenaAllocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator;
const StreamingParser = std.json.StreamingParser;
const Token = std.json.Token;
const TokenTag = std.meta.FieldEnum(Token);
/// Field options are options that can be set per-field on a struct at
theodesp /
Created June 2, 2023 14:27 — forked from TikkunCreation/
openai self study / deep neural network learning

Sam Altman: "I think if you have a smart person who has learned to do good research and has the right sort of mindset, it only takes about six months to make them, you know, take a smart physics researcher and make them into a productive AI researcher. So we don't have enough talent in the field yet, but it's coming soon. We have a program at open AI that does exactly this. And I'm astonished how well it works."

Types of roles at AI companies

  • Software Engineer (not the focus of this Gist): Build customer-facing features, optimize applications for speed and scale, use AI APIs. Prompt engineering expertise is generally helpful, but AI experience beyond using the APIs or using ChatGPT like an expert is generally not needed. This Gist isn't aimed at this role.
  • Machine Learning Engineer: Build pipelines for data management, model training, and model deployment, to improve models (not the focus of this Gist). And/or implement cutting-edge research papers (a focus of this Gist).
  • Research Engineer (a *
theodesp /
Created August 28, 2023 12:01 — forked from veekaybee/
Normcore LLM Reads