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whoami > /dev/null

Theone theonelucas

whoami > /dev/null
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# Get all non JPG images
readarray -d '' images < <(find ./ -type f \( -iname \*.jpeg -o -iname \*.png \) -print0)
# Convert them to JPG
for i in "${!images[@]}"
# Configurations
# Configurations
// 35 km por 1 litro
// 12 km por dia (6 ida/6 volta)
// 1 litro gasonila = 4.29 (09/17)
$precoLitro = 4.29;
$totalKmPorLitro = 35;
$totalKmPorDia = 12;
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
$imgs = [
define('BR', '<br>');
(function (window) {
// Script definitions
var delay = 500, // Delay between each video
moduleTree = true, // If true, each module will have a separate directory, else, all modules will belong to the same directory
createCourseDirectory = false, // If true, will download the course in a separate directory
waitServerTime = true; // If true, will wait the necessary time defined by the server that bots are identified
// (One request each 10-30 seconds). If false, the server will block your account after
// the download of an average of 3-4 courses