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oh bother

Don Smith theraccoonbear

oh bother
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JuniorLima / Error
Created December 3, 2013 13:52
bad interpreter: Too many levels of symbolic links
vagrant@precise64:~/.virtualenvs/djangoproj$ /home/vagrant/.virtualenvs/djangoproj/bin/pip
-bash: /home/vagrant/.virtualenvs/djangoproj/bin/pip: /home/vagrant/.virtualenvs/djangoproj/bin/python2.7: bad interpreter: Too many levels of symbolic links
theraccoonbear / gist:e8a2c127b306745bf7e4
Created October 21, 2015 14:45
Composer Installation on HostMonster
/usr/bin/php56s -d register_argc_argv=1 "./composer.phar" install
The Challenge
Given the following riddle, write a regular expression describing all possible answers,
assuming you never make a move which simply undoes the last one you made.
The Riddle
You are on your way somewhere, taking with you your cabbage, goat, and wolf, as always.
You come upon a river and are compelled to cross it, but you can only carry one of the
three companions at a time. None of them can swim because this isn't THAT kind of riddle.