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Rocco Augusto therocco

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Fix Ubuntu package cache

Had problem with Ubuntu package cache.

➜  sources.list.d sudo apt-get update                   
Hit:1 xenial InRelease
Hit:2 xenial-updates InRelease                                                                   
Hit:3 xenial-backports InRelease                                                                 
Hit:4 xenial-security InRelease
therocco /
Last active May 15, 2017 23:10
Show app indicators in wingpanel on elementary OS

elementary OS 0.4 (Loki) - App Indicator Support

To get app indicators showing up in wingpanel on elementary OS takes a little bit of manual labor by adding an environment variable in your apps .desktop file. If you use an app that uses app indicators and they are not working on elementary OS, please notify the apps developer and ask them to impliment support. In most cases this is a simple process.

Edit your apps desktop file:

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/<app>.desktop

elementary OS 0.4 (Loki) - Update to 4.8.x Linux Kernel

Now that Ubuntu 16.04.2 has been released you can safely update your elementary OS kernel to a newer one to give you a better user experience if you happen to be using newer hardware or are plagued with kernel panics every time your device hibernates or goes to sleep. To update your elementary OS kernel to 4.8.x please input the following into your terminal and reboot once complete.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 -y

Debian / Ubuntu / elementary OS - Easy apt update

Here is a little alias to help you update your system swiftly and easily without a lot of typing. You can make this alias sticky by appending it to the end of your .bashrc file.

alias update="sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y"
# Convert SNES ROMS from SMC to SFROM for use on SNES Classic
# To use this script you will need the python script
# which can be downloaded from the following link
therocco /
Last active January 14, 2018 23:52
Ufocoin invalid WIF to valid WIF
# In the summer of 2017 the Ufocoin paper wallet
# generator located at was generating
# invalid WIF (wallet import format) keys. The following
# scripts converts those invalid keys to valid keys.
# Install pybitcoin as follows:
# pip2 install pybitcoin
class UfocoinPrivateKey(BitcoinPrivateKey):
_pubkeyhash_version_byte = 27
# install zip/unzip if you haven't already
sudo apt install unzip zip
# download the binary and unzip and make binary executable
wget ""
chmod a+x epsxe_x64
# install dependencies
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libssl1.0.0

wine setup

After installing the PackageManager via wine edit the file $HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/$(whoami)/MagicLeap/PackageManager/package-manager.ini using your favorite text editor and add the following arguments.


Now you should be able to start the PackageManager and bypass the blank black screen.

therocco /
Last active January 5, 2021 04:48
Force 4K on Stadia

Force 4K VP9 Support in Browser (Chrome/Edge/Webkit)

If you don't want to install an extension to fore 4K VP9 support on Stadia on desktop you can copy and paste the following code into the Chrome Developer Console (ctrl+shift+j) before starting a game. This will tell your browser to use the VP9 codec as well as tricking your browser to load the 4K video stream for the game you are playing.

// set local codec to VP9
localStorage.setItem('video_codec_implementation_by_codec_key', '{"vp9":"ExternalDecoder"}');

// set 4k dimensions and screen values
let x = 3840;
therocco /
Last active February 10, 2021 03:12
Play The Realm Online on a Chromebook

Running The Realm Online on a Chromebook via Crostini and wine.

NOTE: You will need to setup a Linux terminal on your Intel based Chromebook. For more help please take a look at the official documentation at

Open up the Linux terminal and navigate to your home directory. Once there we will make sure to perform a system update and install wine and the mesa drivers