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# Import an existing Datadog dashboard into a terraform file
# Usage:
# $ $dashboard_name $dashboard_id $output_file
# Where:
# dashboard_name is the local Terraform name of your dashboard resource
# dashboard_id is the short dashboard ID in Datadog
# output_file is the terraform file which will contain the imported resource
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.12.24
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.13.8
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/usr/local/bin/terraform", "init"}
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [ERROR] Error detecting default CLI config file path: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file:
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [ERROR] Error finding global config directory: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [WARN] Cannot initialize remote host credentials manager: can't locate credentials file: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [ERROR] Error finding global config directory: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [ERR] Checkpoint setup error: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.12.24
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.13.8
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/usr/local/bin/terraform", "init"}
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [ERROR] Error detecting default CLI config file path: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file:
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [ERROR] Error finding global config directory: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [WARN] Cannot initialize remote host credentials manager: can't locate credentials file: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [ERROR] Error finding global config directory: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
2020/04/01 12:00:17 [ERR] Checkpoint setup error: user: Current requires cgo or $HOME set in environment
therve /
Last active July 12, 2019 15:07 — forked from jistr/
Fetch port information from a TripleO overcloud Heat stack
# This script will fetch IP addresses assigned to ports on servers belonging
# to a particular role in the overcloud Heat stack. It's not optimized for everyday
# use and takes a while to complete, as it makes many Heat queries. This does not include
# e.g. VIPs.
# Run this script for each role you are interested in. Example usage:
# $ source stackrc
# $ bash overcloud Controller
"""Helper script to fix some Heat convergence issues.
Up until queens, Heat had a few bugs which could result in unresolved
references to resources that are not present in the database. That ends up
making some operations using resources stuck IN_PROGRESS.
This script fixed a few of those issues, removing the dead references.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Please make a backup of your database before using it.
It's also encouraged to stop any Heat engines to prevent bad interaction.
Example script creating a Heat stack and waiting for its completion by
receiving events over Zaqar.
$ IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 source devstack/openrc
$ template.yaml stack_name
import sys
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twotp import Process, readCookie, buildNodeName
def receive(process):
def cb(resp):
print "Got response", resp
def eb(error):
diff --git a/heat/engine/cfn/ b/heat/engine/cfn/
index cbde6d7..84e2318 100644
--- a/heat/engine/cfn/
+++ b/heat/engine/cfn/
@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ class CfnTemplate(template.Template):
return dict((name, parameters.Schema.from_dict(name, schema))
for name, schema in six.iteritems(params))
+ def get_section_name(self, section):
+ return section
Stat Median Mean Variance
SRS 2.0 2.91 5.55
MOV 2.0 2.88 6.04
PL 2.0 2.79 6.05
PW 2.0 2.79 6.05
Opp-FG% 5.0 5.26 12.67
Opp-2P% 5.5 5.88 15.40
eFG% 4.5 5.38 15.47
DRtg 4.0 5.09 16.61
from __future__ import division
import requests
import BeautifulSoup
team_mapping = {
"NJN": "BRK",
"CHA": "CHO",
"NOH": "NOP"