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o =
a: 'foo'
b: 'bar'
p = map o, (val, key) ->
object [[k,v]]
isFn = (fn) -> typeof fn is 'function'
multiMap = (coll, [fn, fns...]...) ->
return coll unless isFn fn
multiMap map(coll, fn), fns...
# Usage:
# multiMap myCollection, fn1, fn2, fn3
thetristan / diff_url
Created August 6, 2013 21:57
Compare two URLs (headers and response body) with curl: $ diff_url
# Diff the headers and response body of two different urls with curl
NAME=`basename $0`
COMMAND="diff <(curl -is '$1') <(curl -is '$2')"
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo "Usage: $NAME <> <>" 1>&2
exit 1
thetristan / Main.scala
Created June 23, 2017 13:57
libcurl w/ scala-native
import scala.scalanative.native
import native._"curl")
@native.extern object curl {
import CurlTypes._"curl_global_init")
def globalInit(flags: native.CLong): native.Ptr[Byte] = native.extern